DC2 190

Glenwood - northwest corner of 162 Street and 100A Avenue.

Bylaw 9324 (November 14, 1989)

To provide a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate a limited range of general business and personal service uses with appropriate development criteria for such uses to better achieve land use compatibility with adjacent residential uses.

This district shall apply to Lot 1, Block 4A, Plan 6796 ET, located on the northwest corner of 162 Street and 100A Avenue; Glenwood.

a. Business Support Services
b. Health Services
c. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
d. Professional Offices
e. Personal Service Shops
a. The uses allowed by this District shall be located within the principal building existing on the site at the time of adoption of this DC5 District. The Development Officer, may, at his discretion, allow minor alterations to the exterior of the principal building, provided that such buildings retain a residential appearance until such time as the adjacent lots are redistricted to a commercial or industrial business land use in accordance with the 100 Avenue Planning Study. Should the existing building be demolished and the site redeveloped, a revision to this District will be required to establish appropriate development criteria relative to the surrounding land uses prevalent at that time.
b. A minimum landscaped yard of 6 m shall be provided adjacent to 100A Avenue
c. A minimum landscaped yard of 4.5 m shall be provided adjacent to 162 Street, except that the existing driveway may be extended to the north for parking purposes as specified below in Section 4(i).
d. A minimum landscaped yard of 1.3 m shall be provided along the west property line.
e. Total site coverage shall not exceed 40%.
f. Continuous cedar screen fencing of a solid design, a minimum of 1.8 m in height shall be provided along the west property line extending from the lane to the southwest corner of the existing residence.
g. Landscaping which exists within the required yards specified in this District, at the time of adoption of this DC5 District, shall be retained.
h. Signs shall be allowed in this District as provided for in Schedule 79A and in accordance with general provisions of Sections 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw, except that the Development Officer, in his discretion, may allow additional facia signage provided the overall scale and character of such signs does not detract from the residential appearance of the building.
i. Notwithstanding Section 66 of the Land Use Bylaw, a minimum of four hard surfaced parking stalls shall be provided on site, either by extension to the north of the existing driveway abutting 162 Avenue or through the use of the most northerly part of the site with access from the lane.
j. Development in this District will be evaluated with respect to compliance with the general development regulations of Sections 50 to 79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
k. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Sections 50-79 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District, if, in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the General Purpose of this District, and would not affect the amenities, use, enjoyment and value of neighbouring properties.

Bylaw attachments