DC2 129

Ritchie - east of 101 Street, south of Whyte Ave

Bylaw 8708 (December 8, 1987)

To provide a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate redevelopment on the site in the form of a high rise residential/commercial development that will be compatible with the objectives of the Old Strathcona Area Redevelopment Plan.

This district shall apply to Lots 11 to 18, Block 60, Plan I, Ritchie, River Lot 13.

Lots identified as Site A in Appendix I:

a. Apartment Housing
b. Convenience Retail Stores
c. Health Services
d. Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
e. Personal Service Shops
f. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
g. Minor Amusement Establishments
h. Indoor Participant Recreation Services


Lots identified as Site B in Appendix I:

i. Apartment Housing
j. Convenience Retail Stores
k. General Retail Stores
l. Health Services
m. Household Repair Services
n. Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
o. Personal Service Shops
p. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
q. Minor Second Hand Stores
r. Minor Amusement Establishments
s. Major Second Hand Stores
t. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
a. The maximum total floor area ratio shall be 5.4.
b. The maximum height of the building shall not exceed 33.65 m (110.4 feet) nor 12 storeys.
c. The maximum total residential density shall be 506 dwellings/ha (205 dwellings/acres).
d. Commercial components of the development shall not be in any free standing structure separate from a structure containing residential uses and shall not be developed above the lowest storey.
e. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to the building above the ground storey:
i. 4.1 metres (13.4 ft) from the north property line;
ii. 6.0 metres (19.6 ft) from the west property line;
iii. 4.1 metres (13.4 ft) from the south property line;
iv. 4.0 metres (13.1 ft) from the east property line.
f. A minimum of 110 parking stalls shall be provided in the development.
g. Vehicular ingress and egress to the parking area shall be provided from 81 Avenue to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the City Engineer.
h. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 (80.7 sq.ft.) per residential dwelling shall be provided.
i. Loading/unloading stalls shall be restricted to the abutting lane and shall comply with Section 65 of the Land Use Bylaw.
j. Detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Development Officer, in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Department, at the time of the Development Permit Application.
k. Exterior material of the building shall be predominantly brick and shall incorporate certain architectural elements that are compatible with the historic character of the Old Strathcona District, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in general conformance with the plans as shown in Appendix II and III.
l. All colours, materials and finishes of the development shall be coordinated to achieve continuity in design and shall be harmonious with development in the Strathcona District generally.
m. A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted as part of the Development Permit application for endorsement by the Development Officer in general conformance to Schedule 79C of the Land Use Bylaw. Design of the sign plan should be sympathetic to the architecture of the building, overall site design and development in the Strathcona District generally.
n. Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50 to 79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
o. The Development Officer may grant relaxation to Sections 50 to 79 and the provisions of the District, if in his opinion such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
a. The maximum total floor area ratio shall be 3.09.
b. The maximum height of the building shall not exceed 21.64 m (71.0 ft) nor 7 storeys.
c. The maximum total residential density shall be 213 dwellings/ha (87 dwellings/acre).
d. The building shall be built 1.5 m from the property line along Whyte Avenue and 101 Street to maintain a pedestrian-oriented pattern of development and store-front treatments shall provide an interesting, high quality streetscape that enhances the pedestrian environment as illustrated in Appendix IV and V.
e. Commercial components of the development shall not be in any free standing structure separate from a structure containing residential uses and shall not be developed above the second storey.
f. Ground floor uses shall not include Residential uses.
g. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to the building above the second storey:
i. 4.1 metres (13.4 ft) from the north property line;
ii. 6.0 metres (19.6 ft) from the west property line;
iii. 4.1 metres (13.4 ft) from the south property line;
iv. 4.0 metres (13.1 ft) from the east property line.
h. A minimum of 84 parking stalls shall be provided in the development.
i. Vehicular ingress and egress to the parking area shall be provided from the abutting lane to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the City Engineer.
j. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 (80.7 sq.ft) per residential dwelling shall be provided.
k. Loading/Unloading stalls shall be restricted to the abutting lane and shall comply with Section 65 of the Land Use Bylaw.
l. Detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Development Officer, in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Department, at the time of the development permit application.
m. Exterior materials of the building shall be predominantly brick and shall incorporate certain architectural elements that are compatible with the historic character of the Old Strathcona District, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in general conformance with the plans as shown in Appendix III and IV.
n. All colours, materials and finishes of the development shall be coordinated to achieve continuity in design and shall be harmonious with the development in the Strathcona District generally.
o. A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted as part of the development permit application for endorsement by the Development Officer in general conformance to Schedule 79C of the Land Use Bylaw.
p. Design of the sign plan should be sympathetic to the architecture of the building, overall site design, and adjacent Strathcona District.
q. Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50 to 79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
r. The Development Officer may grant relaxation to Sections 50 to 79 and the provisions of this District, if in his opinion such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.

Bylaw attachments