DC2 1240

Ebbers - east of Ebbers Boulevard NW, west of 34 Street NW and south of 153 Avenue NW

Charter Bylaw 20482 (May 15, 2023)

1. To allow for the development of a commercial shopping centre with opportunities for indoor self-storage, office, entertainment and cultural activities to serve the local and regional trade area and to ensure development is compatible with the adjacent rail line.
1. This Provision shall apply to Lot 1, Block 105, Descriptive Plan 2122527, SE36-53-24-W4, and the area of road right-of way closed by Bylaw 20480 located east of Ebbers Boulevard NW, west of 34 Street NW and south of 153 Avenue NW as shown on Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, Ebbers.
1. Animal Hospitals and Shelters
2. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
3. Automotive and Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales / Rentals
4. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
5. Breweries, Wineries and Distilleries
6. Business Support Services
7. Cannabis Retail Sales
8. Carnivals
9. Child Care Services
10. Commercial Schools
11. Convenience Retail Stores
12. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
13. Creation and Production Establishments
14. Drive-in Food Services
15. Equipment Rentals
16. Gas Bars
17. General Industrial Uses
18. General Retail Stores
19. Government Services
20. Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Garden Centres
21. Health Services
22. Hotels
23. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
24. Liquor Stores
25. Major Amusement Establishments
26. Market
27. Media Studios
28. Minor Amusement Establishments
29. Minor Service Stations
30. Mobile Catering Food Services
31. Nightclubs
32. Outdoor Amusement Establishments
33. Personal Service Shops
34. Private Clubs
35. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
36. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
37. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
38. Recycling Depots
39. Religious Assembly
40. Residential Sales Centre
41. Restaurants
42. Secondhand Stores
43. Special Event
44. Specialty Food Services
45. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
46. Urban Indoor Farms
47. Urban Outdoor Farms
48. Veterinary Services
49. Warehouse Sales
50. Fascia On-premises Signs
51. Freestanding On-premises Signs
52. Major Digital Signs
53. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
54. Projecting On-premises Signs
55. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. Development shall be in general compliance with Appendix 1, Site Considerations. A generalized, non-binding, concept plan shall be submitted for all new development permits or substantial redevelopment to illustrate how the proposed development will integrate with existing and future surrounding and on-site development. The concept plan for the entire DC2 boundary area shall show the location of existing and future buildings, parking areas, and vehicular and pedestrian routes.
2. A minimum Setback of 15.0 m shall be provided Abutting the railway property line and a berm shall be provided within the Setback for the purpose of safety. The berm shall be a minimum of 2.0 m in Height from the top of the railway tracks. This facility shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination, as generally shown on Appendix 1, Site Considerations.
3. Surface parking may be located within the 15.0 m Setback, up to a maximum of 5.5 m if the berm required under Provision 4.2 can be accommodated within 9.5 m of the railway property line, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation & Drainage).
4. Subject to 4.3 no parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required Setback. Loading, storage and trash collectionareas shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites, public roadways or Light Rail Transit lines. If the rear or sides of a Site are used for parking, an outdoor service or display area, or both, and abut a Residential Zone or a Lane serving a Residential Zone, such areas shall be screened.
5. A 1.83 m chain link security fence, located on private property abutting the railway property line shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination, as generally shown on Appendix 1, Site Considerations.
6. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 0.25.
7. The maximum building Height shall be 16.0 m.
8. Notwithstanding 4.7, the maximum building Height for Hotels shall be 30.0 m.
9. A minimum Setback of 6.0 m shall be required Abutting all public roadways, except where a public access easement in a form satisfactory to the City for road right-of-way is accepted by Transportation, in which case the 6.0 m shall be increased by the corresponding width of the easement.
10. A minimum Setback of 6.0 m shall be required Abutting any residential Zone.
11. Signs shall comply with Schedule 59F, as amended, including regulations for Discretionary Signs that are authorized in this provision, except that:
a. The total maximum number of Freestanding On-premises Signs, Major Digital Signs and Minor Digital On-premises Signs, allowed within the DC2 boundary shall be seven, and;
b. Signs containing Digital Copy shall not be located south of the “Emergency Access Easement” identified on Appendix 1, Site Considerations.
12. Site and building layouts shall include design elements that take the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) into consideration. These elements may include, but are not limited to, elements that allow for natural surveillance, increase sightlines and use; and high quality interior and exterior lighting. The physical layout and landscaping shall reduce the vulnerability of pedestrians by avoiding areas of concealment or entrapment such as: long public corridor spaces, stairwells, or other movement predictors; avoiding landscaping hazards such as: unpruned trees, rocks that can be thrown, or blind corners; and by locating parking areas close to building access points and using wayfinding mechanisms. The Development Officer may require a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design assessment prepared by a qualified security consultant, project architect or similar consultant and shall apply any conditions necessary to the approval of the Development Permit based on the recommendations of the CPTED assessment to promote a safe physical environment.
1. No part of the Site shall be developed as an enclosed shopping mall. The primary means of pedestrian circulation shall be outdoor Walkways that are designed to be connected, accessible, convenient and safe for pedestrians.
1. Buildings shall have consistent materials, colours, and architectural design elements.
2. Building entries shall be readily identifiable and shall be articulated through the use of recesses, projections, columns and distinctive material and colors.
3. The following regulations shall apply to Building Facades:
a. Exposed building Facades facing a public or private roadway shall be designed to break the appearance into 15.0 m sections or less to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
b. All exposed building Façades shall have complementary exterior finishing materials. The Façade treatment shall wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing public and private roadways; and
c. Each Facade with a public entrance shall have a minimum of 70% clear, non-reflective glazing on the exterior of the ground floor to promote pedestrian interaction and safety, except for large format buildings occupying the same Use, a minimum of 15% clear, non-reflective glazing on the exterior of the ground floor to promote pedestrian interaction and safety shall be provided.
4. The design of development adjacent to Ebbers Boulevard NW and 153 Avenue NW shall be enhanced through the use of methods such as, but not limited to landscaping, architectural elements, projections, windows, color, and materials.
5. All flat roofs shall be concealed by parapets. Parapet walls longer than 15.0 m in length shall be articulated to reduce any perceived mass and linearity of large buildings and add architectural interest.
6. Buildings shall incorporate exterior and decorative lighting to enhance building architecture, and landscaping elements.
7. Transformers shall be located and screened in accordance with EPCOR's general standards, and be oriented to minimize negative impacts on Amenity Areas and public roadways other than Lanes where possible, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
8. All mechanical equipment, including surface level venting systems, shall be screened in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building. Ground level vents shall be located to minimize negative impacts with adjacent Sites, on-site amenity and pedestrian circulation areas.
  1. A landscape plan prepared by a registered Landscape Architect with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects shall be submitted for review and approval by the Development Officer, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit for all new building development or substantial redevelopment.
  2. Fences shall be consistent in design, materials, finishes, and colours.
  3. Coordinated streetscape enhancements such as, but not limited to street trees, fencing, pedestrian scaled lighting, and street furniture shall be applied throughout the Site.
  4. Landscaping shall be used to highlight major circulation patterns, sidewalks and the overall development.
  1. Access to developments from public roadways and interior roads shall provide safe, convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation patterns between parking, shopping and amenity areas.
  2. Pedestrian linkages within the Site as well as between the Site and the surrounding community shall be provided to accommodate and encourage pedestrian movement between building clusters, parking areas, Site amenities, on interior roads, public perimeter sidewalks and bus stops.
  3. The Site shall provide an internal vehicular circulation system by means of interior roads complete with appropriate streetscaping, including improvements such as, but not limited to boulevard planting and street furniture.
  4. An emergency access easement from 34 Street NW to Ebbers Boulevard NW shall be provided to the satisfaction of Fire Rescue Services and Subdivision and Development Coordination, to provide secondary emergency access to the southern end of 34 Street NW, as generally illustrated on Appendix I, Site Considerations.
  5. Parking areas shall be designed for a safe and orderly flow of traffic as well as pedestrians of all ages and abilities to avoid pedestrian/vehicular conflict and to include appropriate Landscaping to reduce the visual impact from public roadways, and pedestrians.
1. Development shall ensure that the design of the pedestrian environment is an accessible, convenient and a safe pedestrian environment, and visually attractive through the provision of:
  a. A diversity of Site amenities for pedestrian traffic such as, but not limited to seating areas, street furniture, and landscaping to create an inviting image for the development.
  b. Building Facade features such as, but not limited to transparency, decorative windows, wall niches, seating areas and entrances to complement an interesting pedestrian building frontage.
  c. Pedestrian pathways to building entrances, amenities, surrounding roadway network and transit shall be accessible, convenient, safe and well lit, with special paving or landscaping to define the connections where practical.
2. Sidewalks along the front or main entrances of large format buildings with a linear frontage greater than 30 m shall be developed to a minimum width of 3.0 m.
1. Where Special Land Use Provisions refer to an Abutting Residential Zone, this shall apply to any Site zoned residential or any Site developed with Residential Uses, for the purposes of this Provision.
2. The following Uses shall be located within an enclosed building:
  a. Animal Hospitals and Shelters;
  b. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops;
  c. Minor Service Stations;
  d. Recycling Depots; and
  e. Veterinary Services.
3. The following regulations shall apply to Child Care Services, Commercial Schools and Hotels:
  a. Notwithstanding Setback regulations in Section 4, these Uses shall be Setback a minimum of 30 m from the railway property line.
  b. A Development Permit application for these Uses shall require a Noise Study prepared by an approved Noise Consultant and will require implementation of the recommendations from the report, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
4. The following regulations shall apply to Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals and Convenience Vehicle Rentals developments:
  a. Shall only be located along 153 Avenue NW and Ebbers Boulevard NW, to the satisfaction of Subdivision and Development Coordination;
  b. All storage, display and parking areas shall be Hardsurfaced;
  c. All display areas that Abut a Residential Zone or residential development or a Lane Abutting a Residential Zone or residential development shall be screened in accordance with the provisions of subsection 55.4 of the Zoning Bylaw; and
  d. Lighting for the display areas shall be mounted on lamp standards and no exposed bulbs or strings of lights shall be used.
5. Outdoor Amusement Establishments and Outdoor Participant Recreation Services may be allowed at the discretion of the Development Officer, having regard to minimizing impacts on adjacent residential land Uses and ensuring a high standard of appearance on the Site. Any building associated with these Uses shall be a minimum of 30.0 m from any public roadway and be of an architectural style similar to the other buildings within this provision, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
6. Cannabis Retail Sales shall comply with the Special Land Use Provisions of the Zoning Bylaw, as amended, except that a Cannabis Retail Sales Use shall not be required to be 100 m from the AP zoned Site to the east.
7. The following regulations shall apply to General Industrial Uses:
  a. Shall be limited to indoor self-storage;
  b. Shall be located along the southeast boundary of the Site, adjacent to the rail line, or along 153 Avenue NW, and shall not be located adjacent to Ebbers Boulevard NW or along the southwest property line of the DC2 boundary;
  c. Shall not exceed a maximum of 30% of land within the boundary of the DC2 provision; and
  d. Shall provide a 6 m Landscaped Setback if Abutting a residential Lot.
1. As a condition of any Development Permit, the owner shall enter into an agreement(s) with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. The agreement process includes an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements to be addressed in the agreement(s) to the satisfaction of Subdivision and Development Coordination include, but are not limited to:
  a. Construction of curb extensions at the mid-block pedestrian crossing on Ebbers Boulevard north of Ebbers Court in conjunction with the first Development Permit.
  b. Construction of curb extensions along Ebbers Boulevard at a second location should traffic volumes within the residential section of Ebbers Boulevard exceed 5000 vehicles per day (AAWDT) at the time of any subsequent Development Permit for a building or buildings adding over 500 sq. m of development. The curb extension requirement evaluation and installation location is to the satisfaction of Subdivision and Development Coordination.
  c. Construction of improvements to the 153 Avenue NW and 34 Street NW intersection. The requirement for improvements are to be evaluated through the completion of an intersection analysis completed by a Professional Engineer and submitted with the first Development Permit that cumulatively takes the development of the land within this Provision over 50% of the total potential Gross Floor Area. The intersection analysis is to include the completion of intersection turning movements counts and analysis of the intersection of 153 Avenue NW and 34 Street NW as well as the intersection of 153 Avenue NW and Ebbers Boulevard NW. The intersection analysis is to review two development scenarios: the existing traffic scenario with the proposed Development Permit traffic added and the full site build-out scenario. The intersection analysis must be to the satisfaction of Subdivision and Development Coordination.
  d. Construction of 34 Street NW adjacent to the site to an urban collector standard, including sidewalks, curbs and gutters, street lighting, landscaping and any required underground utilities. This will require construction of a turnaround at the southern terminus of 34 Street NW.

Bylaw attachments