DC2 1228

Ermineskin - a site bounded by 111 Street on the west, 23 Avenue on the south and 109 Street on the east 

Charter Bylaw 20329 (December 6, 2022)

To accommodate the comprehensive redevelopment of a former district shopping centre into a high density, mixed-use urban village adjacent to the Century Park LRT Station. This Provision promotes transit-oriented development in low, medium, and high-rise built forms, integrated with ground floor commercial, office and community service Uses in appropriate areas to create a walkable, human-scaled development.

This Provision shall apply to Lot 5A, Block 32, Plan 0022925; Lot 9, Block 32, Plan 0022004; Lot 16, Block 32, Plan 1324273; Lot 17, Block 32, Plan 1821277; Lot 18, Block 32, Plan 1821329; Lot 19, Block 32, Plan 2220331; and Lot 20, Block 32, Plan 2220331 – a site bounded by 111 Street on the west, 23 Avenue on the south and 109 Street on the east within the Ermineskin neighbourhood, as shown on Schedule “A” of this Charter Bylaw, adopting this Provision.

a. Animal Hospitals and Shelters
b. Apartment Hotels
c. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
d. Business Support Services
e. Child Care Services
f. Commercial Schools
g. Community Recreation Services
h. Convenience Retail Stores
i. Creation and Production Establishments
j. Extended Medical Treatment Services
k. Market
l. General Retail Stores
m. Government Services
n. Health Services
o. Hotels
p. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
q. Live Work Units
r. Liquor Stores
s. Lodging Houses
t. Major Amusement Establishments
u. Major Home Based Business
v. Minor Amusement Establishments
w. Minor Home Based Business
x. Minor Impact Utility Services
y. Multi-unit Housing
z. Personal Service Shops
aa. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
bb. Public Library and Cultural Exhibits
cc. Publicly Accessible Private Park
dd. Residential Sales Centre
ee. Restaurants
ff. Specialty Food Services
gg. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
hh. Supportive Housing
ii. Urban Gardens
jj. Urban Indoor Farms
kk. Urban Outdoor Farms
ll. Vehicle Parking
mm. Veterinary Services
nn. Fascia On-premises Signs
oo. Fascia Off-premises Signs
pp. Freestanding On-premises Signs
qq. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
rr. Minor Digital Off-premises signs
ss. Projecting On-premises Signs
tt. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. For the purpose of this Provision, the following terms shall apply:
  i. “Block” means the area of land that is formed by surrounding private streets or public roadways on all sides or a combination of streets or roadways and previously subdivided Lots. These Blocks shall be developed in general accordance with Appendix 1: Street Network. A Block may be subdivided into smaller Lots provided they meet the requirements of this Bylaw.
  ii. "Family Oriented Dwelling" means a Dwelling meeting the following criteria:
    A. the lowest Storey of the Dwelling is no higher than the third Storey of the building;
    B. the Dwelling has two or more bedrooms, and the average number of bedrooms per Dwelling is not less than 2.25 for all such Dwellings in a development; and
    C. the Dwelling has direct access to an outdoor Amenity Area, including balconies or patios.
  iii. “Joint Use Parking” means parking spaces that are shared by two or more individual Uses and one of which includes Vehicle Parking.
b. The Site shall be developed in general accordance with the Appendices of this Provision.
c. All streets within the Site shall be permitted as private roadways. For the purposes of this Bylaw, the following street classifications shall apply, as shown in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.
  i. Main Street: The Main Street will serve as the preeminent public open space for this development and will be designed as a pedestrian-priority space. It will support the highest concentration of non-Residential Uses and will be carefully designed for low vehicle speed, to encourage pedestrian movement, and allow for retail and entertainment activities to extend onto the sidewalk and integrate with adjacent plaza spaces. The Main Street may be fully or partially closed to traffic to allow programming for activities such as flea markets, concerts, or other events focused on pedestrians.
  ii. Primary Street: This Street will connect to major Streets at the periphery of the neighbourhood i.e., 109 Street NW and 23 Avenue NW. They will generally be the access points to the neighbourhood for those arriving by private automobile, and therefore will be expected to establish a sense of arrival to the Site through distinctive landscape design treatment.
  iii. Secondary Streets: The Secondary Streets will primarily support Residential Use Classes and are assumed to carry a lower intensity of pedestrian traffic. They will be the preferred Street frontages for locating parking and service entrances. A portion of 28 Avenue NW will be designed with capacity enhancements.
d. Density:
  i. The minimum Density for every Block shall be 225 Dwellings/ha.
  ii. The number of Dwellings for the Site shall not exceed 4,200.
e. Floor Area Ratio:
  i. The maximum Floor Area Ratio for the overall Site shall be 4.0.
  ii. Notwithstanding subsection 4.e.i, development will be allowed to be phased with varying FAR for each Block, provided that a minimum FAR of 2.0 is achieved for each Block.
f. Height:
  i. Height shall be in accordance with Appendix 5: Building Heights & Tower Locations.
  ii. Tower locations shall be in general accordance with Appendix 5: Building Heights & Tower Locations.
  iii. Notwithstanding Section 4.f.ii of this Provision, the location of any 75.0 m Buildings may vary within the same Block, provided that spacing between the Towers is 25.0 m as per Section 6.a(i)(F) of this Provision and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
  iv. Notwithstanding Section 4.f.i. and 4.f.iii. of this Provision, the maximum Height of any portion of a Building Abutting the south boundary of the Main Street shall be 18.0 m.
g. Floor Plate Area
  i. The maximum Floor Plate Area for any portion of a building greater than 25.0 m in Height shall be 800.0 m2.
  ii. Towers greater than 75.0 m at locations in accordance with Appendix 5 shall have a maximum Floor Plate Area of 605 m2 to a maximum Height of 90 m.
h. Setbacks shall be provided as per Table 1.


Table 1: Setbacks by Street Type

  Minimum Maximum
i. Main Street 0.0 m 2.0 m
ii. Primary Street 2.0 m 4.0 m
iii. Secondary Street 2.0 m 4.0 m
iv. Public Roadways other than a Lane 2.0 m 6.0 m
v. Other Lot Line 1.0 m per 4.0 m increment of building Height or portion thereof 4.0 m
i. Notwithstanding subsection 4.h.i, the Setback along the Main Street may be increased up to a maximum of 4.5 m to accommodate street-related activities, such as sidewalk cafes, communal outdoor Amenity Areas or a public open space that contributes to the pedestrian-oriented character of the area.
j. Notwithstanding 4.h.v, the Setback from the west lot line of Block D shall be a minimum of 2.0 m.
k. Notwithstanding 4.h.ii and iii, the Setback from the lot lines of Block K shall be a maximum of 15.0 m.
l. Amenity Areas:
  i. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided.
  ii. Notwithstanding Section 46 of the Zoning Bylaw, balconies, or private terraces with a minimum depth of 1.5 m shall be included in Amenity Area calculations.
  iii. Amenity Area may be located within a required Separation Space, but only if it is intended for the private use of the Dwelling for which the Separation Space is provided.
  iv. Notwithstanding 4.e, indoor Amenity Areas shall be exempt from Floor Area Ratio calculations.
  v. Outdoor Amenity Area:
    A. Of the total required Amenity Area, a minimum of 2.0 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided as an at-grade outdoor Amenity Area, except for Block E where outdoor Amenity Areas may be provided on the roof of Buildings.
    B. Outdoor Amenity Areas shall be provided as squares, plazas, courtyards, forecourts, linear parks, pocket parks, community gardens, and/or seating areas, and be aggregated into areas that are a minimum 300 m2 and a maximum of 1,000 m2.
    C. Outdoor Amenity Areas of up to two adjacent Blocks may be combined to create a larger outdoor Amenity Area within a single phase of development, in general accordance with Appendix 6.
    D. With each major Development Permit, a plan shall be submitted, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, detailing how outdoor Amenity Area requirements will be satisfied (size and location) within the applicable phase of development in general accordance with Appendix 6.
m. Public Amenity Space:
  i. The Main Street shall provide a minimum area totalling 1,200 m2 as Public Amenity Space.
  ii. The Main Street shall be developed in accordance with the following, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation), Parks and Biodiversity, and the Urban Design Unit:
    A. To place a design priority on pedestrian movement and activities by eliminating the requirement for raised sidewalk curbs and incorporating various traffic-calming design features;
    B. To allow for a limited amount of on-street parking in a dispersed manner so as not to block pedestrian movement across the street;
    C. To incorporate distinctive entrance features that distinguish the Main Street as a shared street;
    D. Incorporating public seating and multi-use spaces and include features such as decorative light standards, trash receptacles, bollards, landscaped planting beds, planters or tree grates, and a mixture of hard and soft pavement surfacing; and
    E. The Main Street design shall provide a minimum 6.0 m width free of any obstructions to accommodate fire rescue access and staging, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Fire Rescue Services and Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
n. Publicly Accessible Private Park:
  i. A ground-level Publicly Accessible Private Park with a minimum area of 600 m2, shall be provided on Block C, in general accordance with Appendix 3: Movement Network & Open Space. This area shall be developed as a pocket park and may include a playground, seating areas and/or other features suitable for this intended Use, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
  ii. The Publicly Accessible Private Park shall be developed in accordance with the following, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Parks and Biodiversity and the Urban Design Unit:
    A. To be visible from the street, and include clear signage that it is publicly accessible but privately owned and maintained;
    B. To actively interface with the adjacent buildings;
    C. To provide connections to other surrounding open spaces as well as interior spaces such as lobbies, to create a well-connected pedestrian network;
    D. Use Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles to provide safe and defensible space, clear sightlines, adequate lighting, and provision of alternate escape paths;
    E. To provide accessible and direct access, particularly for the elderly, persons with disabilities and young children;
    F. Incorporating public seating and impromptu social gathering areas and include features such as decorative light standards, trash receptacles, bollards, landscaped planting beds, planters, tree grates, and a mixture of hard and soft pavement surfacing; and
    G. Follow the principles of the City of Edmonton’s Winter Design Guidelines to promote vibrant use during the winter months.
o. In addition to Section 92 of the Zoning Bylaw, Live Work Units shall comply with the following:
  i. Live Work Units shall have individual front entrances to the street.
  ii. Live Work Units shall only be permitted where they face a street as shown in Appendix 1.
p. Non-Residential Uses
  i. A minimum total of 2,000 m2 non-Residential Use Floor Area shall be required for each Block directly abutting the Main Street.
  ii. Non-Residential Uses within Blocks E, F, H, and I shall not be developed above the second floor.
  iii. A minimum total of 15,000 m2 to a maximum of 28,000 m2 of Floor Area of non-Residential Uses shall be permitted on the Site.
    A. Notwithstanding 4.p.iii., Floor Area for Hotel Uses shall not count toward the total Floor Area for non-Residential Uses and the number of Sleeping Units shall count toward the total Dwellings for the Site.
  iv. Where a Use creates negative impacts (such as noise, light or odours) that could affect adjacent properties zoned for residential or other Uses within the same building and site, adequate mitigation measures to reduce any negative impacts shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. This may include: modification to site plans to situate such Uses or activities in an acceptable location; increased setbacks; additional Landscaping and screening; noise attenuation measures; directional lighting; and any other measures as the Development Officer may deem appropriate.
  v. Convenience Retail Stores, Residential Sales Centre, Specialty Food Services, and associated Signs may be permitted as Temporary Development on undeveloped Blocks D, E, H, and J for a maximum of two years and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
q. Parking, Access, Loading, and Servicing
  i. Parking:
    A. Vehicular parking shall be provided in Underground Parkades or Above Ground Parkades and may be provided on an adjacent block;
    B. Above Ground Parkades that are part of the building podium shall be screened in a way that does not disrupt the continuity of the Street Wall.  Screens may include but are not limited to, public art, and street fronting Residential or Non-residential Uses.
    C. No portion of an Above Ground Parkade shall be allowed for a minimum depth of 8.0 m from any front Façade facing the Main Street or from any main floor Façade facing any other street requiring active edges as generally shown in Appendix 4: Active Edges.
    D. Vehicle Parking in Above Ground Parkades is not permitted adjacent to the Main Street.
    E. Surface vehicular parking is prohibited to limit the impact on the pedestrian environment except where:
      I.     It is provided as on-Street parking;
      II.    It is located to the interior of a Block and screened from view from the Streets and Public Roadways by buildings; and
      III.   Allowed under the provisions of sub-section 4.r Temporary Vehicle Parking.
    F. A minimum of 15 parking spaces shall be provided for car-share parking on the Site. With each major Development Permit, a plan shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, detailing how the car-share parking spaces will be provided within each phase of development. Should this program prove not to be implementable, the stalls shall be used for visitor parking.
  ii. Joint Use Parking:
    A. Access to parking spaces shall be monitored and controlled to ensure appropriate parking management to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
  iii. Vehicular Access:
    A. Vehicular access to Underground Parkades or Above Ground Parkades on Blocks E, F, H, and I shall not be permitted from the Main Street;
    B. One vehicular access to the Site from 111 Street, 109 Street and 23 Avenue shall be provided at all times through all phases of development.
    C. The internal roadway network shall be phased as shown in Appendix 6: Generalized Phasing Plan to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
    D. The maximum number of vehicular accesses per block face shall be two and vehicular accesses shall not interfere with pedestrian movement through the site, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
  iv. Vehicle Parking:
    E. Vehicle Parking shall be permitted on all Blocks to a Site maximum of 1,320 parking spaces and shall be located in Underground Parkades or Above Ground Parkades.
    F. Vehicle Parking may be provided in the form of Joint Use parking.
    G. For developments with two or more Towers on one Block, a Development Permit for a Temporary Development for an Underground Parkade or Above Ground Parkade for Vehicle Parking shall be permitted and limited to a maximum of three (3) years and may be extended for one (1) year increments to a maximum of an additional two (2) years if construction of the second Tower has commenced.
r. Temporary Vehicle Parking:
  i. Temporary at-Grade Vehicle Parking shall be permitted on Blocks A, B, C and L until December 31, 2025 subject to the following:
    A. The number of at-Grade stalls shall be limited to a maximum of 1,320 total stalls; and
    B. If an occupancy permit is issued for Underground Parkade or Above Ground Parkade stalls, the number of at-Grade stalls shall be reduced by an equivalent amount.
    C. In addition to any at-Grade Stalls permitted by section 4.r.i.A, an additional 245 at-Grade stalls shall be permitted on Block L and the area of land between Block L and Block A, as generally identified as a Secondary Street in Appendix 1.
  ii. Temporary at-Grade Vehicle Parking on Blocks E, H, and J shall only be permitted if roads, services (demonstrated through a signed servicing agreement), or Blocks A, B, C and L (demonstrated through a valid Building Permit) are under construction, subject to the following:
    A. Temporary at-Grade Vehicle Parking on Blocks E, H, and J shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) years or December 31, 2025, whichever is sooner.
  iii. Notwithstanding section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw, the area being used for temporary surface parking may be surfaced with road crush gravel. The access to the parking area from the public roadway must be hard surfaced in a manner satisfactory to Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) to ensure that gravel does not get drawn onto the public roadway by vehicles exiting the site. Parking shall be demarcated with curb stops or painted lines at each stall. Storm water drainage and storage facilities shall be provided for the parking area.
  iv. Notwithstanding section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw, there shall be no requirement for landscaped islands within the parking area.
  v. The storage of materials inclusive of accumulated snow shall be in a location away from the public roadway to improve safety and visibility.
  vi. Lighting for the parking area shall be a minimum of 6 LUX and designed to provide a safe lit environment using full cut-off lighting and satisfy principles of CPTED and Section 58 of the Zoning Bylaw. All wiring required for these facilities shall be underground and no overhead cables shall be strung between poles.
  vii. Safe, direct, contiguous and accessible pedestrian connections through the Site from the temporary at-Grade Vehicle Parking area to the Transit Centre shall be maintained at all times to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
s. Bicycle Parking
  i. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces provided for Residential Uses shall be 50% of the number of Dwellings, Sleeping Units and Live Work Units proposed by a Development Permit application, and shall be provided within the building;
  ii. The minimum number of visitor bicycle parking spaces provided for Residential Uses shall be 10% of the number of Dwellings with a minimum of 5 bicycle parking spaces provided for each building;
  iii. Non-Residential Uses shall provide a minimum of 3 bicycle parking spaces for every individual premise up to 275 m2 of Floor Area. For every additional 275 m2 or fraction thereof, 1 additional bicycle parking space shall be provided;
  iv. Bicycle parking spaces for non-Residential Uses shall be permitted on all streets within the Site to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
t. Loading and Servicing:
  i. No parking, loading, storage, or trash collection area shall be permitted within Setbacks. Loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building, with the exception that loading areas may be shared with on-street parking.
  ii. Any trash collection area or storage area shall be screened and located within the principal building such that it is not visible from a public roadway.
  iii. The minimum required number of off-street vehicular loading spaces shall be 1 per building.
u. Landscaping:
  i. In addition to Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw, Landscaping shall comply with the following:
    A. A Landscape Plan shall be required;
    B. The Landscape Plan shall be prepared by a registered Landscape Architect;
    C. The Landscape Plan shall include pavement materials, exterior lighting, street furniture elements, pedestrian seating areas, plant materials and other detailed Landscaping elements. The Landscape Plan shall include design of the adjacent street and public realm where applicable;
    D. Landscaping shall be developed to provide an enhanced pedestrian experience and a public realm;
    E. Landscaping on the Site shall consider the use of plant materials that provide colour, texture and visual interest throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development and create comfortable, attractive and sustainable environments;
    F. All Blocks shall be fully landscaped to provide tree canopy coverage of 25% (excluding the building footprint), to be established by an analysis figure prepared by the Landscape Architect or horticulturalist;
    G. All plant materials shall be hardy to the Edmonton area and the Site conditions;
    H. Landscaping in any Setback area Abutting the Main Street shall use hardscaping to provide a seamless and continuous transition from the adjacent sidewalk; and
    I. Enhanced landscaping or decorative fencing shall provide separation between the Site and the transit centre with breaks to allow access at crosswalk locations.
v. Streets, Easements, and Pedestrian Circulation:
  i. Pedestrian circulation shall be provided throughout the Site in general accordance with Appendix 2: Street Cross Sections and Appendix 3: Movement Network. The following regulations shall apply:
    A. The pedestrian connection shall logically connect to public sidewalks adjacent to the Site in accordance with Appendix 3: Movement Network & Open Space;
    B. Pedestrian sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of the street and shall be a minimum of 1.8 m;
    C. A 3.0 m shared use path shall be provided as shown in Appendix 3: Movement Network and Open Space; and
    D. The Main Street shall incorporate a minimum 2.5 m sidewalk on both sides and a minimum 10.0 m central median. Landscaping for the Main Street shall include, but is not limited to, street trees, shrub planting, ornamental grasses, benches, public art and pedestrian-scaled lighting.
  ii. Access, including, emergency access shall be provided to all Blocks to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Fire Rescue Services and Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
    A. The owner(s) shall register a Public Access Easement and Emergency Access Easement aligned with all the streets within the Site.  Easements shall make the private property owner(s) responsible for maintenance and liability.  The areas having Public Access Easements shall be accessible to the public at all times. Such easements shall be a required condition of a Development Permit.
w. Interface with the Transit Centre:
  i. The Site’s interface with the Transit Centre shall be developed in general accordance with Appendix 3: Movement Network & Open Space, and as per the following:
    A. 3.0 m shared use path shall be provided Abutting the north-south and east-west lot lines between the Transit Centre and the Site as shown in Appendix 3. A transition shall be provided through decorative features, separation or landscaping shall be provided between the shared use path and the Transit Centre.
    B. The shared use path shall logically connect with the pedestrian crosswalks in the Transit Centre, and with sidewalks at its north and south ends to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
    C. Pedestrian and visual access shall be provided through Block D to the Transit Centre through the use of outdoor walkways or arcades, or interior ground floor walkway(s) through the building.
    D. The shared use path along the north boundary of the transit centre shall not interfere with transit centre access and operations, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and ETS.
x. Signs:
  i. Signs shall comply with the General Provisions of Schedule 59 and the regulations found in Schedule 59F of the Zoning Bylaw.
  ii. Notwithstanding the General Provisions of Section 59 and the regulations found in Schedule 59F of the Zoning Bylaw:
    A. Fascia On-premises Signs shall be allowed to face the Main Street, Primary Street, and Secondary Street in addition to the public roadway;
    B. Two Freestanding On-premises Sign shall be permitted on the Site with a maximum Sign Area of 90 m2 and maximum Height of 10 m;
    C. Any application for a Minor Digital Sign Use may require the submission of a Traffic Safety Study prepared by a qualified engineer and shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) prior to the issuance of a Development Permit;
    D. Minor Digital Signs shall only be affixed to a building façade; and
    E. Temporary On-premises Signs shall be limited to marketing and sales signs for the development.
  iii. A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan in accordance with Section 59.3 of the Zoning Bylaw shall be required.
    A. The Development Officer shall have regard for visual harmony and the compatibility of the proposed sign with the architectural character and finish of the development and with the design, location and appearance of other signs on the development.
a. Minor Amusement Establishments shall be permitted only as an Accessory Use to a Restaurant.
b. Spectator Entertainment Establishments and Major Amusement Establishments shall not be located fronting on the Main Street unless above the first storey and shall not be allowed as a standalone building.
c. Multi-unit Housing in the form of row housing shall be permitted only within Blocks B, C and K.
d. A minimum of 5% of the total Dwellings within each Block shall be Family Oriented Dwellings except for Block D.
e. Veterinary Services and Animal Hospital and Shelters shall be developed in a manner that limits transmission of animal noises to adjacent residences, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
a. Building Massing and Articulation shall be in accordance with the following:
  i. All buildings greater than 25.0 m in Height shall be developed in the form of a podium plus Tower composition. The following regulations apply to such Buildings:
    A. The Height of the podium shall be a minimum of 6.0 m and a maximum of 25.0 m;
    B. The mid-level of Towers shall employ building Stepbacks, Tower spacing and sculpting to reduce building mass and augment views, light and privacy;
    C. Towers shall Stepback from the podium Façade a minimum of 2.5 m on all sides facing a street, public roadway, or an outdoor communal Amenity Area;
      I. Notwithstanding Section 6.a.i.C, a reduction in the Stepback may be permitted to allow for architectural expression for an entrance or lobby.
    D. The Tower shall be differentiated from the podium, but shall reinforce some of the design details, materials, and architectural expression from the podium;
    E. The top level(s) of Towers shall contribute to the ’signature’ of the building and the City’s skyline through sculpting of the upper floors and roofs; and
    F. The minimum space between Towers on the same or separate Blocks shall be 25.0 m. The Development Officer may vary Tower spacing in consideration of the following:
      I. The visual, sun/shadowing, and other microclimatic impacts on adjacent residential development; and
      II. The recommendations and mitigation measures specified in any required technical studies.
  ii. Buildings 25.0 m in Height or less are not required to provide Stepbacks.
  iii. The design of a roof or podium roof may include green roofs, solar panels, patios, and/or Amenity spaces.
  iv. All mechanical equipment on a roof of any building shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building.
b. Building Facade, Materials, and Exterior Finishing
  i. For buildings located at the intersection of streets the corner Facade treatment shall wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both streets.
  ii. Building Facade(s) facing a street shall be designed with detail and articulation to a maximum of 10.06 m intervals to create attractive streetscapes and interfaces. Building Facades shall be articulated by a combination of recesses, entrances, windows, projections, changes in building materials, colours, and/or physical breaks in building mass.
  iii. All exposed building Facades shall have consistent and harmonious exterior finishing materials such as stone, masonry, metal, wood panels, cement panels, and/or glass.
  iv. Exterior finishing materials must be durable high quality and appropriate for the development within the context of the block face.
c. Building Relationship to Streets, and Amenity Areas
  i. All commercial and residential building Facades shall have active commercial or residential frontages as generally shown in Appendix 4: Active Edges.
  ii. Weather protection in the form of a canopy or other architectural element shall be provided above ground floor entrances of non-Residential Uses.
  iii. Residential Use entrances at-Grade shall be clearly differentiated from non-Residential Use entrances through distinct architectural treatment and address the street in a prominent manner.
  iv. Underground Parkade or Above Ground Parkade entrances shall maintain the architectural harmony with the building Facade.
  v. Where non-Residential Uses face a street or Amenity Area (i.e., plaza, seating area or courtyard), they shall be designed to create a pedestrian-friendly environment, which may include such things as entrances, outdoor seating areas, canopies, landscaping, transparent windows and other features that lend visual interest and a human scale to development.
  vi. Individual entrances and other features such as a porch, stoop, landscaped terrace, pedestrian lighting, and/or patio that are clearly visible from the adjacent sidewalk shall be provided for ground floor Residential Dwellings.  CPTED principles shall be applied to these entrances to clearly differentiate between public and private spaces.
  vii. For Commercial Uses, the geodetic elevation of the top of the floor on the level that is directly above Grade shall not exceed the geodetic elevation of the Abutting public sidewalk by more than 0.3 m, except at the discretion of the Development Officer where the Grade and other site conditions require a greater separation.
  viii. For Residential Uses, the geodetic elevation of the top of the floor on the level that is directly above Grade shall be greater than the geodetic elevation of the abutting sidewalk by at least 0.6 m.
d. Lighting
  i. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the architectural theme of the development and will be provided to ensure a well-lit environment for pedestrians, and to accentuate architectural elements and public art and provide security in publicly accessible areas.
a. Street Interface
  i. Buildings shall provide multiple points of interaction in the form of stoops, porches, doorways, windows, and/or large display windows to facilitate pedestrian interaction.
  ii. All ground floor Uses shall provide a primary direct access to the street.
  iii. All ground floor Uses shall provide a continuous pattern of small frontages no more than 10.06 m in width.
  iv. A minimum of 70% of the ground floor portion of the building Facade’s area facing the Main Street shall have clear, non-reflective glazing to promote pedestrian interaction and safety.
  v. Residential and Residential-Related Uses shall be restricted to above the ground Storey and shall have access at Grade, which is separate and distinct from the access for Commercial Uses.
b. Street Wall Design
  i. The architectural treatment of the building up to the first 25.0 m shall adhere to the general alignment of the horizontal and vertical elements of the adjacent buildings along the same block face.
c. Entrances and Corners
  i. Ground floor Commercial Uses shall have direct access from the street.
  ii. Courtyards, major entryways or distinctive architectural features shall be provided for buildings at corners.
  iii. Entrances for Residential and Residential-Related Uses shall be differentiated from non-Residential Use entrances and provide access at Grade. The entrances will feature identifiable doorways, landscaped terraces, and pedestrian lighting to ensure adequate privacy and distinct architectural treatment.
a. Upon submission of a Development Permit application, the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and ETS, may request a Transportation Impact Assessment to be prepared to evaluate the impacts of the proposed development on Transit Centre operations and the adjacent roadway network.
b. A detailed Wind Impact Statement or Study shall be prepared by a qualified, registered Professional Engineer, and shall be based on a computer model simulation analysis, prepared to professional standards. The Wind Impact Statement or Study shall be submitted with the Development Permit for any new development over 25.0 m.
c. A Sun Shadow Study shall be submitted with the Development Permit application for any new development with a proposed Height over 25.0 m in accordance with Section 14 of the Zoning Bylaw. The study shall be reviewed by the Development Officer and required mitigation measures to minimize the shadow impacts on the Main Street, open spaces and adjacent residential uses to the satisfaction of the Development Officer shall be determined prior to the issuance of the Development Permit.
d. Prior to the issuance of any Development Permit, a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Assessment shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Edmonton Police Service to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995).
e. As part of the submission for a Development Permit, the owner shall submit a report, that is to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, on how the applicable development aligns with the following winter design principles:
  i. Incorporate design strategies to block wind;
  ii. Maximize exposure to sunshine through orientation and design;
  iii. Use colour to enliven the cityscape;
  iv. Create visual interest with strategic use of creative lighting; and
  v. Provide infrastructure that supports the desired winter life.
a. Prior to each development permit issuance, details shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer that artworks in the amount of $6.80 per m2 of Floor Area (excluding any underground parking facility) up to a maximum total of $2,000,000 toward the acquisition of public art shall be provided. The following shall apply to this contribution:
  i. The owner shall enter into an agreement with the City of Edmonton detailing the requirements of this provision of artwork, in a form approved by the City.
  ii. Artworks may be located on or within private property and shall be in locations that are publicly viewable to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
  iii. Artworks may be created by an artist or be in the form of structural art and/or the artistic application of hard and soft landscaping to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.  These applications may include, but are not limited to, artistic play structures, benches, feature canopy, decorative gates, decorative lighting, decorative fencing, murals and artistic paving material and designs that are unique and distinct from landscaping provided to satisfy regulations of Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw and other regulations of this Provision.
  iv. Artworks shall be commissioned or purchased by the owner(s) and all costs and procedures related to the procurement of the artworks, operation and future maintenance shall be the responsibility of the owner(s).
  v. The Public Art contribution shall be increased annually from the date of passage of this bylaw according to the annual rate of national inflation as determined by Statistics Canada.
b. Additional recreational space shall be provided within a minimum 2,300 m2 facility and may include but not limited to Community Recreation Services, Indoor Participant Recreation Services, Health Services, Personal Service Shops, Urban Gardens and other associated supporting uses to create a club house amenity to the satisfaction of the Development Officer at the completion of Phase 2 as identified in Appendix 6: Generalized Phasing Plan.
  i. Notwithstanding 9.b, a minimum of 400 m2 of Floor Area shall be contributed to a charitable or community organization(s) for common community space or a Child Care facility of the owner’s choice that is to the satisfaction of the Development Officer at the completion of Phase 2 as identified in Appendix 6: Generalized Phasing Plan.
  ii. All Development Permits within Phase 2 will require a location plan for both the 2,300 m2 facility and the 400 m2 facility and both facilities must be located within Phase 2.
  iii. Notwithstanding 4.s.iii, a minimum of 20 additional bicycle parking spaces shall be provided for the recreation space (club house amenity) in a secure space that is publicly accessible.
  iv. Prior to release of the first Development Permit, the Development Officer shall ensure that a signed contribution agreement has been executed between the City and the owner.  The agreement shall require that funds be contributed to the Ermineskin Community League for an offsite public amenity, with specific details to be determined by the Development Officer in consultation with the Ermineskin Community League. These funds shall be submitted to the City of Edmonton and disbursed accordingly to the Ermineskin Community League. These funds shall be provided prior to the issuance of any development permit including a residential use for each Block within the Site in the amount of $70 per residential unit to a total maximum of $29,400 per block and a total contribution for the site not to exceed $294,000.  If a development application for Residential Uses has not been madewithin five (5) years of the date of this Bylaw approval, this contribution shall be increased from that point forward according to the annual rate of national inflations as determined by Statistics Canada.
a. The Owner shall enter into an Agreement(s) with the City of Edmonton for all off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. Such improvements shall be implemented at the Development Permit stage and be tied to the development of Block(s) either adjacent to the subject improvement area or individual Blocks. The Agreement(s) shall include an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements to be addressed in the Agreement include but are not limited to the following:
  i. Improvements to the intersection of Primary Street (110 Street) and 109 Street/ 29 Avenue to the satisfaction of Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and may include the provision of new curb, sidewalk, street lighting, traffic signals, and street trees.
  ii. Consolidating and improving the access at 109 Street with the adjacent property to provide one direct access to 109 Street/ 29 Avenue.
  iii. Reconfigure the access at 111 Street from 25 Avenue to a right in/ right out.  This shall be determined as development of the area advances and in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).

Bylaw attachments