DC2 1224

Windermere - 905 - 172 Avenue SW, 17225 to 17261 - 9B Street SW

Charter Bylaw 20262 (September 13, 2022)

To provide for Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing, with Area B being developed as part of a Multi-unit Project Development, in the Windermere neighbourhood.

This Provision shall apply to Lot 267 & Lot 268, Block 1, Plan 1525690, as shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this provision, within Windermere.

1. Duplex Housing
2. Minor Home Based Business
3. Residential Sales Centre
4. Secondary Suites
5. Single Detached Housing
6. Semi-detached Housing
7. Special Event
8. Supportive Housing, Restricted to Limited Supportive Housing
9. Urban Gardens
10. Urban Outdoor Farms
11. Fascia On-premises Signs
12. Freestanding On-premises Signs
13. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. In Area B, Multiple principal Dwellings in the form of Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, Duplex Housing, or any combination of these three Uses, may be constructed as part of a Multi-unit Project Development.
2. Signs shall comply with Schedule 59A of the Zoning Bylaw.
1. Development shall be in general accordance with the Appendix I of this Provision.
2. The minimum number of principal Dwellings shall be 40.
3. The maximum Height shall be 11.0 m.
4. Setbacks For Area A Shall be as follows:
  a. The minimum Setback from the north and south property lines shall be 4.5 m.
  b. The minimum Setback from the west property line shall be 2.4 m.
  c. The minimum Setback from Area B shall be 0.0 m.
  d. The minimum Side Setback shall be 1.2 metres. This Setback may be reduced to 0.0m where:
    i. the adjacent Side Setback of the abutting property is a minimum of 1.5 m;
    ii. all roof leaders from the Dwelling are connected to the storm sewer service;
    iii. all roof leaders from Accessory buildings are connected to the storm sewer service or directed to drain directly to an adjacent Lane;
    iv. no roof leader discharge shall be directed to the maintenance easement area; and
    v. the owner of the adjacent Site register against title, a private maintenance easement a minimum of 1.5 m wide that provides for:
      A. a 0.30 m eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves must not be closer than 0.90 m to the eaves on the adjacent building;
      B. a 0.60 m footing encroachment easement;
      C. a drainage swale, constructed as per the City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards; and
      D. permission to access the easement area for maintenance of both properties.
5. Setbacks and Separation Space for Area B shall be as follows:
  a. The minimum Setbacks shall be 4.5 m, except that:
    i. the minimum Setback from Area A shall be 0.0 m;
    ii. the minimum Setback from Lot 266, Block 1, Plan 1525690 shall be 1.2 m; and
    iii. the minimum Setback from a private road for a principal Dwelling shall be 5.5 m. This may be reduced to 1.2 m where the principal Dwelling flanks a private road.
  b.  The minimum Separation Space between principal buildings shall be 1.5 m.
6. The maximum total Site Coverage, excluding Common Amenity Area and private roads, shall be 55%.
7. The minimum width of a private road in Area B shall be 7.0 m to accommodate a two-way drive aisle.
8. Surface parking and drive aisles shall be located in a manner which minimizes conflict with pedestrian Walkways and vehicles, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
9. Sidewalks to provide pedestrian access through Area B site shall be a minimum width of 1.5 m and shall, at a minimum, be required along at least one side of the private road and shall connect to the public sidewalk along 172 Street SW, and the Common Amenity Area;
10. A minimum Amenity Area of 15 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided as follows:
  a. a minimum of 7.5 m2 private Amenity area shall be provided adjacent to each principal Dwelling; and
  b. The remaining Amenity Area may be provided in a Common Amenity Area.
11. A minimum of one deciduous tree, one coniferous tree and four shrubs shall be provided per Dwelling. A maximum of 60% of required trees may be provided within a Common Amenity Area.

Bylaw attachments