DC2 1207

Glenridding Ravine - south of Rabbit Hill Road and east of 170 Street SW

Charter Bylaw 20012 (April 20, 2022)

To create a commercial site with the opportunity for mixed-use development on a portion of the site in the form of standalone residential medium-rise apartments, or medium rise apartments with main floor commercial uses.

This Provision shall apply to the portion of Lot 1, Block A, Plan 1921169 located south of Rabbit Hill Road and east of 170 Street SW as shown in Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision,Glenridding Ravine.

a. Apartment Hotels
b. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
c. Business Support Services
d. Cannabis Retail Sales
e. Child Care Services
f. Commercial Schools
g. Convenience Retail Stores
h. Creation and Production Establishments
i. Equipment Rentals
j. General Retail Stores
k. Government Services
l. Health Services
m. Hotels
n. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
o. Liquor Stores
p. Lodging Houses
q. Major Amusement Establishments
r. Media Studios
s. Minor Amusement Establishments
t. Mobile Catering Food Services
u. Multi-unit Housing
v. Personal Service Shops
w. Private Clubs
x. Private Education Services
y. Professional, Financial, and Office Support Services
z. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
aa. Rapid Drive Through Vehicle Services
bb. Recycled Materials Drop-off Centre
cc. Residential Sales Centre
dd. Restaurants
ee. Secondhand Stores
ff. Speciality Food Services
gg. Supportive Housing
hh. Urban Gardens
ii. Vehicle Parking
jj. Veterinary Services
kk. Fascia Off-premises Signs
ll. Fascia On-premises Signs
mm. Freestanding Off-premises Signs
nn. Freestanding On-premises Signs
oo. Minor Digital Off-premises Signs
pp. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
qq. Projecting On-premises Signs
rr. Roof On-premises Signs
ss. Temporary Off-premises Signs
tt. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be:
  i. 1.0 for standalone commercial buildings in Area A and Area B of the attached site plan (Appendix 1); and
  ii. 3.0 for standalone residential or mixed-use residential/commercial buildings  in Area B of the attached site plan.
b. The maximum Height shall be:
  i. 23 m for stand-alone residential and mixed-use buildings; and
  ii. 16 m for stand-alone commercial buildings.
c. A minimum Setback of 6.0 m shall be required from the north property line and the east property line.
d. A minimum Setback of 2.0 m shall be required from the west property line and 5.0 m from the south property line.
e. Parking and drive aisles shall be permitted within the west and south Setbacks.
f. Loading and storage areas shall be located at the rear or sides of the buildings.
g. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units shall be concealed with standard parapet heights or incorporated within the building roof in a manner that is consistent with the finishing of the building and the overall architectural style of the development.
h. A Landscape Plan shall be submitted by a registered Landscape Architect prior to the approval of any Development Permit.
i. The development shall incorporate Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design elements by ensuring:
  i. Exterior lighting shall be developed to provide a safe lit environment to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
  ii. Landscaping shall include, but not be limited to, low-growing shrubs or deciduous trees with a high canopy at maturity. 
  iii. Landscaping shall not be designed to interfere with sight lines, safety, and/or natural surveillance; and
  iv. Customer access to commercial uses are limited to a storefront that is visible from a public area, and the storefronts shall have ample transparency to allow natural surveillance.
j. Internal private roadways shall be constructed to a minimum standard width to accommodate the swept path analysis requirements for waste management and emergency service vehicles, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision Planning and Coordination, Fire Rescue Services, and Waste Management Service.
k. Multi-unit Housing shall be permitted within Area B, as shown on the attached Site Plan, and may be above the office or retail component of a shopping centre or as a stand-alone building.
l. Residential and Residential-related Uses shall not be permitted within Area A, as shown in the Attached Site Plan.
m. Within a mixed-use residential/commercial building:
  i. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs, Nightclubs, and Restaurants shall have a maximum capacity of 240 m2 of Public Space; and
  ii. Speciality Food Services will have a maximum of 120 m2 of Public Space.
n. Equipment Rentals shall be permitted provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building.
o. On-site pedestrian circulation shall be provided and shall ensure that Walkways, Amenity Areas, and parking areas are connected by convenient and safe crossing facilities and well-designed driveway entry/exits that promote pedestrian priority.  This may include, but not limited to, grade, colour, and material of the walkways.
p. The perceived massing of buildings shall be minimized through the following design elements:
  i. Building setback variations, building orientation, window placement, awnings, articulation around entranceways, roof treatment, and a variety of exterior materials and colors; and
  ii. Landscaping situated to mitigate the perceived mass of building facades.
q. Amenity Area may be provided in the form of a public outdoor space at ground level to promote a focal point and provide a transitional space between commercial and residential land uses.
r. Signs shall comply with the regulations of Schedule 59E.

Bylaw attachments