DC2 1196

Secord - located south of Secord Boulevard NW and west of 225 Street NW

Charter Bylaw 19961 (February 23, 2022)

To provide a Zone for low rise Multi-unit Housing with appropriate development setbacks to an abandoned well site.

This Provision shall apply to 1.49 ha of N.W. ¼ Sec. 36-52-26-4, located south of Secord Boulevard NW and west of 225 Street NW, as shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

a. Minor Home Based Business
b. Multi-unit Housing
c. Residential Sales Centre
d. Temporary On-premises Signs
e. Urban Gardens
a. The minimum Density shall be 45 Dwellings/ha.
b. The maximum Height shall not exceed 14.5 m for flat, mansard and gambrel roofs, or 16.0 m for a roof type with a pitch of 4/12 (18.4 degrees) or greater, in accordance with Section 52.
c. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 2.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio may be increased to 2.5 where:
i. a minimum of 10 percent of Dwellings have a Floor Area greater than 100 m2; and
ii. the average number of bedrooms in these Dwellings is at least 3.
d. The minimum Front Setback shall be 4.5 m., except:
i. Where the Site is located within the boundaries of the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay and Abuts a Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, the minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m, or 1.5 m less than the average Front Setback on Abutting Lots, whichever is less. Where an Abutting Lot is vacant, the vacant Lot shall be deemed to have a Front Setback of the next Abutting Lot; or
ii. where the Site is located within the boundaries of the Main Streets Overlay, does not Abut a Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, and the proposed development includes Commercial Uses at ground level, the minimum Front Setback shall be 1.0 m and the maximum Front Setback shall be 3.0 m.
e. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except that individual buildings that are 6.5 m or less in Height may have a minimum Rear Setback of 1.2 m.
f. The minimum Side Setback shall be 1.2 m, except:
i. for buildings over 10.0 m in Height, the portion of the building above this Height shall require a minimum Side Setback of 3.0 m; and
ii. for all buildings, the minimum Side Setback shall be 3.0 m Abutting a flanking public roadway other than a Lane.
g. A development Setback to abandoned well heads located within the subject area shall be 10.m.
h. Notwithstanding withstanding regulations 4.e and 4.f of this Provision, for buildings on a Site larger than 1.0 ha Abutting a Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, the following shall apply:
i. The minimum Setback along that Abutting property line shall be 7.5 m. This minimum Setback is permitted to be a minimum of 3.0 m where an acceptable landscaped buffer is provided. In no case shall the Setback be reduced where the proposed building Abuts the south property line of a neighbouring site;
ii. For buildings over 10.0 m in Height, the portion of the building above this Height shall require a minimum Setback of 10.0 m from that Abutting property line, except that:
1. This minimum Setback is permitted to be a minimum of 1.0 m per Storey, plus 2.5 m where variations in Yards and Stepbacks, recessed balconies, or other design techniques minimize building massing and/or shadow impacts, provide architectural interest, and is complementary to the surrounding development. In no case shall this Setback be less than 5.5 m, nor shall the Setback be reduced where the proposed building Abuts the south property line of a neighbouring site.
i. Where the Site Abuts a Lane, vehicular access shall be from the Lane.
j. Principal buildings adjacent to a public roadway, other than a Lane, shall have an entrance feature facing that public roadway.
k. Surface parking is not permitted to be located between any building and a public roadway, other than a Lane.
l. Parking, loading, storage, or trash collection may be permitted within the Side Setback, provided a minimum 1.5 m wide soft landscaping buffer is provided within the Setback and that all parking and service areas are screened from view from any Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use.
m. Side, front and rear Façades shall include design techniques including, but not limited to, the use of varied rooflines, variations in building Setbacks and articulation of building Façades, in order to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large uninterrupted expanses of wall, and provide visual interest when the structure is viewed from an adjacent Lot or roadway.
n. All principal Dwellings shall have an individual ground level entrance, where:
i. the Site Abuts a public roadway, other than a Lane;
ii. the building Façade that faces the public roadway is 12.2 m or longer;
iii. the Dwelling is located on the first Storey; and
iv. the Site is located either
1. within the boundaries of the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay; or
2. outside the boundaries of the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay and is Setback less than 4.5 m from the public roadway, other than a Lane.
o. Principal Dwellings that have an individual ground level entrance:
i. may share one of these entrance doors between two Dwellings; and
ii. sliding patio doors shall not serve as this entrance
p. Upgrading of public pedestrian Walkway systems, roads, or Lanes adjacent to the Site may be required to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and the applicable City department.
q. Soil above underground parking facilities shall be of sufficient depth to accommodate required landscaping, including trees, shrubs, flower beds, grass, and ground cover.
r. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw.
s. Amenity Area shall be provided in accordance with Section 46 of this Bylaw.
t. The Development Officer may require information regarding the location of windows and Amenity Areas on adjacent properties to ensure the windows or Amenity Areas of the proposed development are placed to minimize overlook into adjacent properties.
u. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59B.
v. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building.
w. Urban Gardens shall comply with Section 98 of this Bylaw.
x. A 10 m by 15 m open area must be maintained around the abandoned wellbores in accordance with City Policy C515 - Oil and Gas Facilities. This area must be located within the context of a larger open area such as: a private roadway, private park or green space, or private parking area to ensure sufficient unobstructed space around the wellbores to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Oil and Gas Liaison.

Bylaw attachments