DC2 1136

Summerside - south of Ellerslie Road and west of 66 Street SW

Charter Bylaw 19467 (November 3, 2020)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control Provision to provide for neighborhood convenience and personal service uses capable of meeting the needs of the surrounding communities, while being compatible with adjacent surrounding low density residential and institutional uses.

Lot 1A, Block 4, Plan 1321104, located south of Ellerslie Road and west of 66 Street SW, as shown on Schedule A of the Bylaw adopting this Provision, Summerside.

1. Cannabis Retail Sales
2. Child Care Services
3. Convenience Retail Stores
4. Drive-in Food Services
5. Gas Bars
6. General Retail Stores
7. Government Services
8. Health Services
9. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
10. Liquor Stores
11. Minor Service Stations
12. Pawn Stores
13. Personal Service Shops
14. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
15. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
16. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
17. Residential Sales Centre
18. Restaurants
19. Secondhand Stores
20. Specialty Food Services
21. Veterinary Services
22. Fascia On-premises Signs
23. Freestanding On-premises Signs
24. Projecting On-premises Signs
25. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. The development shall be in general accordance with Appendix I.
2. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 9.0 m.
3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 1.0.
4. The maximum Floor Area of any individual business premises shall not exceed 1,900 m2.
5. A minimum Landscaped Setback of 4.5 m shall be provided along Ellerslie Road SW, 66 Street SW, and 70 Street SW.
6. A minimum Landscaped Setback of 7.0 m shall be provided along the Rear Lot Line.
7. An all directional curb return access to 70 Street SW including curb ramps on both sides shall be located a minimum of 45.0 m from the Rear Lot Line of the Site.
8. A right-in/right out curb return access to Ellerslie Road including curb ramps on both sides shall be located a minimum of 110 m from the Side Lot Line to the west. The owner shall construct an eastbound right turn bay to this access.
9. A right-out only curb return access to 66 Street including curb ramps on both sides shall be located a minimum of 6.0 m from the south Lot Line.
10. Sidewalks shall be located in general accordance with Appendix I.
11. All development shall be required to comply with the following architectural guidelines:
a. All development on the Site shall be constructed using architectural themes that are consistent. Exterior wall finish materials for all development shall be of high quality and consistent on all sides with the overall architectural style of the Site;
b. Entrances shall be emphasized using colour, texture and architectural elements. Gateways and Site entries shall be developed with special Landscape treatments including, but not limited to, trees and shrubs, accents, paving treatments, lighting or compatible architectural elements;
c. All exterior lighting shall be designed such that all light is contained within the Site, to be indirect from all angles of off-Site viewing, and not intrude into the neighbouring residential areas, and shall incorporate design elements consistent with the architectural themes of the development;
d. Architectural treatment of buildings shall continue to the side elevations. Architectural devices for achieving this include the continuation of architectural details such as cornices, accent banding, masonry pillars and raised details;
e. The rear walls of buildings ‘CRU 1’ and ‘CRU 2’, as identified in Appendix I, are to have additional treatment such as accent banding, graphics or other architectural devices to create visual interest and shall not contain windows on the second Storey; and
f. Architectural design shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
12. The sidewalks or Walkways in front of buildings ‘CRU 1’ and ‘CRU 2’ as shown in Appendix I shall be a minimum of 2.0 m in width and all other sidewalks or Walkways shall be a minimum of 1.5 m in width.
13. A public access easement shall be registered for the sidewalk developed within the Site along 66 Street SW.
14. Notwithstanding Section 55, Landscaping shall be provided at the rear of buildings ‘CRU 1’ and ‘CRU 2’, as shown in Appendix I, consisting of 17 coniferous trees that are a minimum 2.0 m in Height and 30 deciduous trees that are a minimum 75 mm Caliper.
15. Restaurants shall not exceed a capacity of 200 Occupants or 240m2 of Public Space.
16. Specialty Food Services shall not exceed a capacity of 100 Occupants or 120m2 of Public Space.
17. Signs shall comply with the regulations contained in Schedule 59D of the Zoning Bylaw, as amended.
18. Notwithstanding Section 70(2) and 70(4)(a), and Section 85(4) of the Zoning Bylaw, Cannabis Retail Sales and Liquor Stores shall be permitted on Site, provided that:
a. Cannabis Retail Sales shall not be permitted if the Site contains a public library at the time of application for the Development Permit for the Cannabis Retail Sales;
b. Any Cannabis Retail Sales shall not be located less than 200 m from a Site being used for public or private education. The 200 m separation distance shall be measured from the closest point of the Cannabis Retail Sales Use to the closest point of the Site boundary being used for public or private education; and
c. Any Liquor Store shall not be located less than 100 m from a Site being used for public or private education. The 100 m separation distance shall be measured from the closest point of the Liquor Store Use to the closest point of the Site boundary being used for public or private education.

Bylaw attachments