DC2 1131

Meyokumin - east of 66 Street and south of 23 Avenue

Charter Bylaw 19387 (September 22, 2020.)

To provide a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate religious assembly, private education services and related accessory uses with site development criteria that will ensure the development is compatible with the surrounding residential uses.

This District shall apply to Lot 1,  Block 1, Plan 9520748, located east of 66 Street and south of 23 Avenue, Meyokumin, as shown on Schedule A of this Bylaw.

a. Religious Assembly
b. Child Care Services, Private Education Services and Community Recreation Services when designed as an integral and secondary component of a Religious Assembly.
a. The development shall be in accordance with these regulations and in general accordance with Appendix 1.
b. The maximum total coverage shall be 25% of the site area.
c. The maximum building height shall not exceed 16 m.
d. A minimum building setback of 7.5 m shall be provided from all property lines of the site.
e. A landscaped yard, a minimum of 6 m in width, shall be provided adjacent to 23 Avenue and to 66 Street.
f. A landscaped yard, a minimum of 7.5 m in width, shall be provided adjacent to the east and south property lines. Continuous screen fencing of a solid design, a minimum of 1.82 m in height, is to be provided along the east and south property lines of the site.
g. Parking shall be provided in the ratio of a minimum of 1 parking stall for every 3.3 seats in the sanctuary.
h. Vehicular access to this site shall be provided only from 23 Avenue and 66 Street.
i. Any exterior lighting of the site shall be designed so that lighting is directed away from the adjacent residential development to the east and south and that resulting illumination shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the site.
a. For the purposes of this District, the Religious Assembly Use Class shall include provisions for the development of a library, bookstore, meeting rooms, kitchen, and gymnasium as integral and accessory components of the principal Religious Assembly building and where such uses are intended primarily to serve the members of the Religious Assembly. Religious Assembly shall also comply with the following criteria:
i. the meeting rooms and gymnasium may be used for banquet facilities, not exceeding a seating capacity of 1,000, intended for the members and ministries of the Religious Assembly; and
ii. The maximum seating capacity of the sanctuary shall not exceed 2,000 persons.
b. Notwithstanding section 71.3.a of the Zoning Bylaw the Religious Assembly shall be allowed on the Site to which this Provision applies which is greater than 4000m2 in area.


Bylaw attachments