DC2 1119

Dechene Neighbourhood - north of Lessard Road and east of 184 Street

Charter Bylaw 19285 (June 9, 2020)

To accommodate a high quality commercial development with the opportunity to develop medium density residential Uses designed in a manner to support a pedestrian-friendly and functional environment.

This provision shall apply to Lots 2 and 3, Block 21, Plan 9722753, within the Dechene Neighbourhood as shown on Schedule “A” of this Bylaw.

1. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
2. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
3. Breweries, Wineries and Distilleries
4. Business Support Services
5. Cannabis Retail Sales
6. Carnivals
7. Child Care Services
8. Commercial Schools
9. Convenience Retail Stores
10. Creation and Production Establishments
11. Drive-in Food Services
12. Equipment Rentals
13. Gas Bars
14. General Retail Stores
15. Government Services
16. Health Services
17. Hotels
18. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
19. Liquor Stores
20. Live Work Units
21. Major Amusement Establishments
22. Media Studios
23. Minor Amusement Establishments
24. Minor Home Based Business
25. Minor Service Stations
26. Mobile Catering Food Services
27. Multi-Unit Housing
28. Private Clubs
29. Personal Service Shops
30. Private Education Services
31. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
32. Public Education Services
33. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
34. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
35. Recycled Materials Drop-off Centres
36. Religious Assembly
37. Residential Sales Centre
38. Restaurants
39. Secondhand Stores
40. Specialty Food Services
41. Urban Gardens
42. Urban Indoor Farms
43. Urban Outdoor Farms
44. Veterinary Services
45. Fascia On-premises Signs
46. Freestanding On-premises Signs
47. Freestanding Off-premises Signs
48. Projecting On-premises Signs
49. Roof On-premises Signs
50. Temporary On-premises Signs
a.The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 1.25.
b.The minimum Floor Area Ratio for commercial Uses shall be 0.25.
c.The maximum building Height shall be 12.0 m for commercial Uses. This Height shall be increased to 16.0 m for Multi-Unit Housing.
d.A minimum Setback of 15.0 m shall be required along the north and east Lot lines.
e.A minimum Setback of 6.0 m shall be required along the west and south Lot lines or any Lot line Abutting a public roadway.
f.A 6.0 m landscaped Yard shall be required along the north and east Lot lines.
g.Each use of Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs and Restaurants shall be limited to 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space.
h.Specialty Food Services shall be limited to 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space.
i.Equipment Rentals shall ensure that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building.
j.Multi-Unit Housing may be permitted above a commercial building or stand- alone. Multi-Unit housing shall be designed and sited so as to minimize any impacts from the commercial component and adjacent Residential Uses to the north and east related to noise, traffic circulation or loss of privacy.
k.Multi-Unit Housing shall have access at ground level, which is separate from the access for the non-Residential and non-Residential Related Uses.
l.Personal Services Shops shall not include Body Rub Centres.
m.Signs shall be provided in accordance with Schedule 59E of the Zoning Bylaw, as amended.
n.For the areas within the 50 m buffer as illustrated on Appendix I – Conceptual Site Plan, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, with the exception of demolition, excavation or Sign permits, an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) which may include but not limited to Phase II ESA’s, Remedial Action Plan(s), Final Remediation Report, and/or a Risk Management Plan(s), may be required at the discretion of the Development Officer in consultation with the Environmental and Energy Coordination Unit. The Development Officer may require further information necessary to ensure the area that is subject to the Development Permit application is suitable for the Uses contemplated in the Development Permit application.
1. Drive-in Food Services, Gas Bars, Minor Service Stations shall comply with the regulations of the Zoning Bylaw, except that:
i. Gas Bars, Minor Service Stations shall be located not less than 15.0 m from any portion of a building containing a Residential or Residential-related Use. This distance shall be measured from the closest pump island, fill pipes, vent pipes, drive-through vehicle service or service station to the Residential Use. This Setback distance may be reduced at the discretion of the Development Officer if the Development Officer is satisfied that impacts on the Residential or Residential-related Use shall be minimal due to structural and design measures incorporated into the proposed development.
ii. Drive-in Food Services and associated access aisles and queuing spaces shall be located not less than 20 m from any portion of a building containing a Residential or Residential-related Use. This Setback distance may be reduced at the discretion of the Development Officer if the Development Officer is satisfied that impacts on the Residential or Residential-related Use shall be minimal due to structural and design measures incorporated into the proposed development.
iii. Where Drive-in Food Services and associated access aisles and queuing spaces are located within 30 m of a building containing a Residential or Residential- related Use, the following Fencing and Landscaping requirements shall apply:
i. Solid, screen Fencing constructed of wood or suitable wood-like synthetic substitute, 1.83 m in Height; and
ii. Required Fencing shall be augmented with tree and shrub planting designed to soften the visual effect of the required Fencing, and shall be provided in accordance with the standards identified in Section 55.
iv. The location, orientation and setback of drive-through service windows shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services, having regard to the minimization of on-site and off- site traffic impacts. Notwithstanding Section 210.4(5) and 210.4(6), for buildings on a Site larger than 1.0 ha Abutting a Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, the following shall apply:
i. The minimum Setback along that Abutting property line shall be 7.5 m. This minimum Setback is permitted to be a minimum of 3.0 m where an acceptable landscaped buffer is provided. In no case shall the Setback be reduced where the proposed building Abuts the south property line of a neighbouring site;
ii. For buildings over 10.0 m in Height, the portion of the building above this Height shall require a minimum Setback of 10.0 m from that Abutting property line, except that:
1. This minimum Setback is permitted to be a minimum of 1.0 m per Storey, plus 2.5 m where variations in Yards and Stepbacks, recessed balconies, or other design techniques minimize building massing and/or shadow impacts, provide architectural interest, and is complementary to the surrounding development. In no case shall this Setback be less than 5.5 m nor shall the Setback be reduced where the proposed building Abuts the south property line of a neighbouring site.
a. Vehicular access shall be from the adjacent public roadways, the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination.
b. Loading, storage and waste collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites and public roadways.
c. Parking, loading and passenger drop-off areas shall be designed to minimize pedestrian-vehicle conflicts and prioritizes pedestrian movement through the site.
a. When required to be submitted as part of a Development Permit application, a Landscape Plan prepared by a Landscape Architect, registered with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (ALAA), shall be submitted for review and approval by the Development Officer.
b. A detailed Landscape Plan for the Site, including all existing and proposed utilities within the road right-of-way must be submitted for review and approval by the City of Edmonton, prior to the issuance of any Development Permit.
c. Additional landscaping shall be provided along the north and east Lot line and shall include, but not be limited to, coniferous planting (minimum 3.0 m in Height) to provide a Landscaped buffer for privacy for the adjacent residential property.
d. A screen fence a minimum of 1.83 m in Height shall be required along the north and east property lines.
a. Building design shall use a variety of architectural elements and treatments, materials, colours, and articulation to break up the massing and provide human- scale development.
b. Building materials must be durable, high quality and appropriate for the development. The contextual fit, design, proportion, quality, texture, and application of various finishing materials shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall enhance the appearance of the building, minimize light pollution, and ensure a safe well-lit environment, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The Development Officer shall require the applicant to provide a plan showing the location and details of perimeter lighting to ensure adequate lighting.
d. A maximum of 10% of the first Storey glazing may be covered by Signs. The remainder of the glazing shall remain free from obstruction.
e. Multi-Unit Housing shall include the following design elements to reduce the perceived mass and add architectural interest:
i. Use recesses and projections to add articulation to the facade.
ii. Use a variety of exterior building cladding materials and colours.
iii. Provide a prominent entrance that is highly visible.
f. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
a. A Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Assessment shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment.
a. With the exception of demolition, excavation and signage permits, upon submission of a Development Permit application, the applicant shall submit a Fire Underwriter’s Survey that demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Fire Rescue Services and EPCOR Water Services, that the fire flows to the site are adequate for the proposed building and construction type. A review of appropriate hydrant spacing will also be required by Epcor Water in consultation with FRS at the Development Permit Stage. Any infrastructure or systems required to ensure these standards are met shall be included in the design scope of the buildings.
b. For the areas and buffers depicted in Appendix I, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, excluding a development permit for demolition, excavation or signage, Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) work such as, but not limited to, additional Phase II ESAs, Remedial Action Plan(s), and/or Risk Management Plan(s), may be required at the discretion of the Development Officer in consultation with the Environmental Planner, to be submitted and reviewed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The Development Officer shall impose any Development Permit conditions necessary, prior to the release of the drawings for Building Permit review, to ensure that the Site is suitable for the full range of uses contemplated in the Development Permit application.

Bylaw attachments