DC2 1114

Montrose - north of 119 Avenue NW, west of 69 Street NW

Charter Bylaw 19255 (May 12, 2020)

To establish a site specific development control provision to allow for the development of parking on a temporary basis for events or other users under agreement with the City from time to time. The parking areas shall be developed in a manner that is compatible with the adjacent residential neighbourhoods, and recognizing the City’s standards and requirements for shared use of the facilities.

The DC2 Provision shall apply to the following areas: Area 1 - Lots 1, 2U and 3, Block C, Plan 2614 KS

Area 2 - Block A, Plan 6512 ET, including the portion of 120 Avenue between the CNR/LRT line and 73 Street closed by Bylaw 11304

Area 3 - Lots 1 to 15, inclusive, Block 9, Plan 1307 P, a portion of SE 15-53-24-4, excluding those lands to be provided for the extension of 121 Avenue to the Capilano Drive (descriptive plan 9020057), and including the portion of 70 Street between 120 and

121 Avenue closed by Bylaw 11304

a. Non-Accessory Surface Parking
b. Temporary Off-premises Signs


a. Notwithstanding Section 720.3(2) of the Zoning Bylaw, a Site Plan is not appended to this provision.
b. A minimum Setback of 3.0 m shall be required where a Site abuts a public roadway, other than a Lane.
c. All parking areas to be developed to a minimum standard of gravel with precast curb parking dividers, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
d. All parking areas shall be graded and drained with appropriate stormwater management facilities, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
e. Lighting to a minimum standard acceptable for safety and security, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Any exterior lighting of the site shall be designed so that the lighting is directed away from adjacent lands, and the intensity of illumination shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the site.
f. All parking areas shall be developed with access points, internal traffic control, road signage and/or signalization for each of the parking areas, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
g. All parking areas shall have landscaped Setbacks with one tree for each 25 sq. m. of Setback and one shrub for each 15 sq. m. of Setback and/or security fencing as specified such that it is sufficient to provide substantial interruption of view from adjoining residential, commercial, industrial site, or from the public roadway, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, as follows:
i. Area 1 shall have a 1.8m chain link fence abutting 120 Avenue on the north and 119 Avenue on the south. A 1.8m chain link security fence will be provided adjacent to the CNR/LRT rail line. A 6m landscaped yard with a 1.8m screen fence will be provided adjacent to 76 Street between 119 and 120 Avenues. The screen fence shall be located such that the landscaping is visible from the public roadway.
ii. Area 2 shall have a 1.8m chain link security fence abutting the CNR/LRT rail line on the west and east boundary of the parking area.
iii. Area 3 shall have a 1.8m chain link security fence along the northern boundary providing separation from the leased site area to the north, and a 6m landscaped yard with a screen fence a minimum of 1.8m in height along the north side of 120 Avenue and the west side of the lane east of 70 Street. The screen fence shall be located such that the landscaping is visible from the public roadways and laneway. A 1.8m chain link security fence shall be located along the north and south sides of the 121 Avenue extension from 70 Street to Capilano Drive.
h. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59D.

Bylaw attachments