DC2 11

Calgary Trail South - parts of Block A, Plan 5711 K.S. and N.E. ¼ Section 5-52-24-W4M

Bylaw 7299 (August 16, 1983)

To provide a Direct Control District for the creation of a Site Specific Commercial District for the lands between 104 Street and the residential portion of Steinhauer Neighbourhood, providing land use and development regulations to ensure minimum negative visual and noise impacts on adjacent residential properties.

This DC5 District shall apply to those parts of Block A, Plan 5711 K.S. and N.E. ¼ Section 5-52-24-W4M which are located west of Plan 822 1883, and which are south and east of a line drawn parallel to, at a distance of 30 m (98.4 ft.) throughout from, 31 Avenue as shown on Plan 4884 T.R., Calgary Trail South.

a. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops;
b. Automotive /Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales/Rentals;
c. Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios;
d. Business Support Services;
e. Commercial Schools;
f. Convenience Vehicle Rentals;
g. Custom Manufacturing;
h. Daytime Child Care Services;
i. Drive-in Food Services;
j. Equipment Rentals;
k. Fleet Services excepting thereout ambulance services, taxi services and bus lines;
l. Gas Bars;
m. General Retail Stores up to a maximum gross floor area of 3000 m2 (32,292.8 sq. ft);
n. Health Services;
o. Hotels;
p. Household Repair Services, excluding thereout "furniture repairs, refinishing and upholstery" uses;
q. Indoor Participant Recreation Services, excepting thereout "curling rinks, roller skating rinks, ice arenas and rifle and pistol ranges";
r. Limited Contractor Services;
s. Major Eating and Drinking Establishments;
t. Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments;
u. Minor Service Stations;
v. Minor Veterinary Services;
w. Motels;
x. Personal Service Shops;
y. Private Clubs;
z. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services;
aa. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services;
bb. Religious Assembly;
cc. Secondhand Stores;
dd. Spectator Entertainment Establishments with a seating capacity of less than 1000 persons; and
ee. Warehouse Sales up to a maximum gross floor area of 3000 m2 (32,292.8 sq. ft).

The following regulations shall apply to all uses:

a. The minimum site area shall be 2.0 hectares;
b. Access shall be provided from Road Plan 822 1883;
c. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 3.0;
d. A minimum landscaped yard of 7.5 m (24.6 ft) shall be provided where the site abuts a public roadway other than a lane, except that this required yard may be reduced from 7.5 m to 4.5 m (14.8 ft) where this reduction is used to provide parking for the development.
e. A minimum landscaped yard of 18 m (59.06 ft) shall be required where the rear or side lot line of the site abuts the lot line of a site in a residential district, except that this required yard may be reduced from 18 m to 15 m (49.2 ft) where this reduction is used to provide emergency access to the development;
f. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area, shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage, parking and trash collection areas shall be located to the sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites, public roadways or light rail transit lines in accordance with the provisions of Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw;
g. The maximum building height shall not exceed 14 m (45.93 ft) nor four storeys. The building(s) shall be stepped back from the property line of any residential area such that:
i. a maximum of one storey 4 m (13.12 ft) may be constructed within 18 m (59.06 ft) of the rear property line;
ii. a maximum of two storeys 8 m (26.2466 ft) may be constructed a minimum of 22.5 m (73.82 ft) from the rear property line, except that a second storey may be constructed within 18 m (59.06 ft) of the rear property line where no windows overlook the adjacent residential properties and where physical breaks in the building face are provided for visual relief; and
iii. a maximum of four storeys 14 m (45.93 ft) may be constructed a minimum of 33.5 m (109.91 ft) from the rear property line;
h. Development shall occur in accordance with the following architectural guidelines:
i. all exterior finishing materials must be of good quality, durable and attractive in appearance. Acceptable materials include, but are not limited to, either separately or in any combination, brick, cedar, splitstone concrete or precast concrete;
ii. no painted and/or scored concrete block construction will be permitted on any building facade directly facing any residential area;
iii. the exterior finishing materials of all exposed faces of any commercial building shall be of equal standard and appearance;
iv. all mechanical equipment on the roof of any portion of any building on the commercial lands shall be completely screened or incorporated within the building roof; and
v. no signs, antennae or objects of any other similar nature on any portion of any building shall be visible to a resident from the habitable ground floor area of any adjacent residential unit, the property line of which is within 33.53 m (110 ft.) of the portion of such building on which such objects, signs, antennae or object is located;
i. In addition to the provisions of Section 69 of the Land Use Bylaw, the following landscaping and buffering regulations shall also apply:
i. a 15 m (49.21 ft.) buffer strip shall be provided along all lot lines which abut a residential area. This buffer strip shall contain the following features:
A. a 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) landscaped berm; and
B. a continuous screen consisting of groupings of coniferous and deciduous trees and intermittent fencing having a minimum height of 1.5 m (4.92 ft.) and a maximum height of 1.8 m (5.9 ft.); and
C. the buffer shall be extended to connect with the noise attenuation berm built along the west side of Calgary Trail South to the north of this district, in such a way as to provide a continuous buffer.
ii. detailed plans for the buffer strip shall be submitted with the initial development permit application. The buffer strip shall be approved by the Development Officer in consultation with the Transportation Management Department, Parks and Recreation Department and Police Department, and shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer prior to the commencement or construction of any commercial use;
j. Developments in this district shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Section 59 to 79 inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw.
k. Vehicular-oriented Uses shall be developed in accordance with Section 82 of the Land Use Bylaw;
l. Daytime Child Care Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 82 of the Land Use Bylaw;
m. Signs shall be allowed in this district as provided for in Schedule 79H and in accordance with the General Provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw.
a. The following uses shall be developed only when totally enclosed in a building:
i. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops;
ii. Automotive/Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales/Rentals;
iii. Equipment Rentals;
iv. Household Repair Services; and
v. Minor Veterinary Services;
b. The following uses shall be developed with a minimum setback of 33.5 m (109.91 ft.) from any residential property line;
i. Automotive and Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales/Rentals;
ii. Convenience Vehicle Rentals;
iii. Drive-in Food Services;
iv. Gas Bars;
v. Minor Services Stations; and
vi. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services.

Bylaw attachments