DC2 1079

York - south of 140 Avenue NW and west of 50 Street NW

Charter Bylaw 18992 (September 9, 2019)

To allow for a commercial development that is compatible with adjacent residential development and to make provisions for enhancing the appearance of the commercial site from Manning Drive NW and 139 Avenue NW.

This provision shall apply to Lot 7, Block 55, Plan 9520970, as shown on Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision; York.

1. Business Support Services
2. Equipment Rentals
3. Health Services
4. Personal Services Shops
5. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
6. Fascia On-premises Signs
7. Freestanding On-premises Signs
8. Projecting On-premises Signs
9. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 1.2.
2. A minimum Setback of 6 m shall be required where any Lot line of a Site Abuts a public roadway, other than a lane, or Abuts the property line of a Residential Zone.
3. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a Setback.
4. The maximum Height shall not exceed 12.0 m.
5. All Uses and activities, except those noted in clauses (6) and (7) below, shall be located and carried on within an enclosed building and there shall be no outdoor display areas.
6. All loading, service, trash collection and Accessory storage areas shall be located to the sides of the principal building, and shall be screened from view from any public roadway other than a Lane, and from adjacent Sites by building walls, freestanding walls, landscape materials, berms, wood Fences or a combination of these, the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
7. Except for landscape materials, screening shall have a maximum height of 3.7m.
8. The Development Officer may require that exposed projections outside the building such as mechanical and electrical equipment, transformer ducts, cooling towers and materials handling equipment be screened from view from any public roadway other than a Lane, and from adjacent Sites if such projections are inconsistent with the character and appearance of surrounding development or the intended visual qualities of this Zone.
9. The design and use of exterior finishing materials shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer who shall ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that materials shall be used that ensure that the standard of the proposed buildings and structures shall be similar to, or better than the standard of surrounding development.
10. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw, as amended, and as follows: Landscaping plans shall indicate, among other things, landscaping treatment on those portions of the sites abutting public roadways for the purpose of visually enhancing the appearance of the sites from these roadways, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Furthermore,
a. landscaping treatment and screen fencing, a minimum of 1.83 (6 ft.) in height, shall be provided adjacent to the northwest property line of the commercial site which abut areas zoned for residential development. This landscaping treatment and screen fencing shall be sufficient to provide substantial interruption of view of the commercial site from adjacent residential areas.
11. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59D.

Bylaw attachments