DC2 1062

Queen Mary Park - south side of 105 Avenue between 117 Street and 119 Street

Charter Bylaw 18842 (May 13, 2019)

To allow for the continuation and upgrading of general industrial uses while allowing for conversion and redevelopment of obsolete industrial uses to commercial office and general business uses.

Lot 116A, Block 17, Plan 792 0318; Lot 9C, Block B, Plan 922 0996; located on the south side of 105 Avenue between 117 Street and 119 Street, as shown on the sketch plan attached hereto as Schedule “A”, Queen Mary Park.

a. Auctioneering Establishments
b. Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals
c. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
d. Breweries, Wineries and Distilleries
e. Business Support Services
f. Cannabis Retail Sales
g. Commercial Schools
h. Convenience Retail Stores
i. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
j. Equipment Rentals
k. Fleet Services
l. Funeral, Cremation and Interment Services
m. Gas Bars
n. General Industrial Uses
o. Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Garden Centres
p. Health Services
q. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
r. Limited Contractor Services
s. Major Service Stations
t. Media Studios
u. Minor Service Stations
v. Mobile Catering Food Services
w. Non-accessory Parking
x. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
y. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
z. Recycling Depots
aa. Religious Assembly
bb. Restaurants
cc. Specialty Food Services
dd. Veterinary Services
ee. Warehouse Sales
ff. Fascia On-premises Signs
gg. Freestanding On-premises Signs
hh. Projecting On-premises Signs
a. Notwithstanding Section. 720.3 (2) of the Zoning Bylaw, no Site Plan is appended to this Provision.
b. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 3.0.
c. A minimum Yard with an average depth of not less than 3.0 m shall be required where a Site Abuts a public roadway, other than a Lane, except that no Yard shall be required for that portion of an existing building which Abuts the property line. The required minimum Yard may be provided through a continuous, uniform building Setback, from the property line, or through variations in building Setback, provided that the Yard is not less than 1.0 m at the narrowest point.
d. In addition to the Yard requirements in clause (c) above, the Development Officer may require an additional Setback for that portion of any development which exceeds 14.0 m in Height in order to protect the privacy of development in any adjacent Residential Uses. The Development Officer shall not require a total Setback greater than the Height of the building.
e. No parking, loading, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required Setback.  Loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from the view of adjacent sites or public roadways other than a Lane. If the rear or sides of a Site are used for parking and/or an outdoor service or display area, and Abuts a property Zoned for Residential Use, it shall be screened in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw.
f. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 23.0 m.
g. The following regulations shall apply to Convenience Vehicle Rentals developments:
i. All storage, display or parking areas shall be Hardsurfaced.
ii. All display areas which Abut properties Zoned to allow Residential development shall be visually screened.
iii. Lighting for the display areas shall be mounted on lamp standards and no exposed bulbs or strings of lights shall be used.
h. Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals shall comply with Section (g) of this provision for Convenience Vehicle Rentals developments, and the size, location, screening and landscaping of the outdoor vehicular display area shall be subject to the approval of the Development Officer, who shall ensure that development of the site is compatible with the appearance and site design of surrounding developments.
i. The minimum gross Floor Area for a Warehouse Sales Use shall not be less than 1000 m2 unless at least fifty percent of the gross Floor Area of the establishment is used for warehousing or storage of the goods sold or distributed from the establishment.
j. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59H.
k. Non-accessory Parking lots must provide a 2.0 m wide strip of Landscaping in the Front Setback.
a. Auctioneering Establishments and Equipment Rentals shall store and/or display all equipment and goods within an enclosed building.
b. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs shall be limited to 100 occupants.
c. Religious Assembly shall not include rectories, manses, dormitories, convents, monasteries, or other residential buildings.

Bylaw attachments