DC2 1057

Westbrook Estates - South of Fairway Drive and west of 119 Street NW

Bylaw 18801 Schedule "C" (April 15, 2019)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control Provision to accommodate low intensity residential development with Site development regulations which will ensure compatibility with surrounding residential land Uses.

This Provision shall apply to Lots 5-32, Block 6, Plan 8822781 and a portion of Lot 33, Block 6, Plan 8822781 as shown in Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this provision, Westbrook Estates.

1. Major Home Based Business
2. Minor Home Based Business
3. Row Housing
4. Single Detached Housing
5. Semi-detached Housing
6. Fascia On-premises Signs
7. Freestanding On-premises Signs
8. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 29.
2. The minimum site area shall be 360 m2 for each Single Detached Dwelling, and 300 m2 for each Semi-detached or Row Housing Dwelling.
3. The minimum Site Width shall be 7.5 m for each Semi-detached and Row Housing Dwelling and 12 m for each Single Detached Dwelling.
4. The minimum Site Depth shall be 30 m.
5. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10 m, except that any Dwelling located within 50 m of the north or northwest boundaries of the Site shall be limited to a maximum Height of 7 m.
6. All development on the Site shall be constructed to the east of the "development" line which shall be the south-westerly projection of the eastern boundary of Lot 39, Block 6, Plan 5508 MC, as shown on Appendix I.
7. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 40%, with a maximum of 28% for a principal building and a maximum of 12% for Accessory buildings. Where a Garage is attached to or designed as an integral part of a Dwelling, the maximum for the principal building shall be 40%.
8. North-facing windows on the northern-most row of Dwellings on the parcel shall be minimized to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, having regard to privacy on the adjacent properties.
9. Any roadways within the Site along the north boundary of the Site must not extend west of the south-westerly projection of the eastern boundary of Lot 39, Block 6, Plan 5508 MC.
10. The minimum front Yard shall be 6 m.
11. Side Yards for buildings shall be governed by separation space with the side yards for the overall site being a minimum of 6 m.
12. The minimum rear Yard shall be as follows:
a. 4.5 m for Dwellings backing onto the Golf Course;
b. 7.5 m for all development not backing onto the Golf Course; and
c. 15 m building Setback for Dwellings backing onto the northern property line.
13. Separation space shall be provided between two or more Dwellings or portions of the same Site, in accordance with Section 58 of the City of Edmonton Land Use Bylaw in effect on May 24, 1988.
14. A continuous 1.8 m high solid screen Fence shall be erected along the northern and northwestern boundaries of the Site, prior to the commencement of any other development on the Site.
15. The northern and northwestern boundary of the Site shall be landscaped with a mix of 3 m coniferous trees, and deciduous trees of a minimum 60 mm caliper, at intervals of 5 m, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
16. Dwellings shall be finished with brick, cedar, other appropriate siding materials, or textured materials, used separately or in combination. The building roofs shall be finished with cedar shakes, asphalt shingles or clay tiles. Semi-detached and Row Housing Dwellings on the site shall be designed and finished so as to achieve an individuality of appearance within an overall design theme.
17. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to the regulations contained in this Provision if in their opinion such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this Provision and would not adversely affect the amenities, use, and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
18. Signs shall be in accordance with Schedule 59A of the Zoning Bylaw, as amended.
1. Single Detached Housing shall be limited to locations on the Site that in the opinion of the Development Officer, at the Development Permit stage, allows for acceptable separation distances from buildings Abutting the Site.
2. Major and Minor Home Based Business shall be developed in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw, as amended.

Bylaw attachments