DC2 1056

Westbrook Estates - Derrick Golf and Winter Club

Bylaw 18801 Schedule "B" (April 15, 2019)

To allow for the expansion and operation of the Derrick Golf and Winter Club as a year-round, family-oriented recreation facility that is integrated with the existing golf course and is sensitive to surrounding development.

This Provision shall apply to Lot 43A, Block 6, Plan 8821788 and a portion of Block A, Plan 4399KS, a 4.1 hectare Site, as shown on Schedule "A" of the Bylaw adopting this Provision, Westbrook Estates.

1. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
2. Carnivals
3. Child Care Services
4. Commercial Schools
5. Convenience Retail Stores
6. Market
7. Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Garden Centres
8. Health Services
9. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
10. Major Amusement Establishments
11. Minor Amusement Establishments
12. Outdoor Amusement Establishments
13. Outdoor Participant Recreation Services
14. Private Clubs
15. Personal Service Shops
16. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
17. Restaurants
18. Special Events
19. Specialty Food Services
20. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
21. Spectator Sports Establishments
22. Urban Gardens
23. Fascia On-premises Signs
24. Freestanding On-premises Signs
25. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
26. Projecting On-premises Signs
27. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. Outdoor Participant Recreation Services
1. Development on the Site shall be in general accordance with Appendix I – Site Plan.
2. The maximum building Height for Area A shall be 18.0 m.
3. The maximum building Height for Area B shall be 7.0 m.
4. The minimum Setbacks, as shown on Appendix I – Site Plan, shall be provided as follows:
a. 0.0 m along the Lot lines Abutting the golf course;
b. 3.0 m along the Lot lines Abutting a Residential Zone;
c. 7.5 m along the northernmost Lot line, Abutting a Site that contains an existing Residential Use; and
d. 6.0 m from the Lot line Abutting 119 Street NW, except that:
i. Accessory structures existing at the time of adoption of this Provision, as shown on Appendix I, may continue to exist and operate as developed and may be renovated, expanded or rebuilt for the continuous functionality of the existing Uses or for safety or routine maintenance of the structures, provided that the structures maintain a minimum 3.0 m Setback from the Lot line Abutting 119 Street NW.
5. Commercial Uses shall be Accessory to the Private Club, Indoor Participant Recreation Services, or Outdoor Participant Recreation Services.
6. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs and Restaurants shall be limited to 240 m2 of Public Space per establishment and shall be oriented south or west toward the golf course.
7. Where Uses that may, in the opinion of the Development Officer, create negative impacts such as noise, light or odours which may negatively impact adjacent residential properties, the Development Officer may require that these potential impacts be minimized. This may be achieved through a variety of measures including: Landscaping, berming or screening, which may exceed the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw and this Provision; noise attenuation measures such as structural soundproofing; orienting outdoor seating areas and rooftop patios away from residential development; and any other measures as the Development Officer may deem appropriate.
8. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59C of the Zoning Bylaw, as amended.
1. Vehicular access shall be provided from 119 Street NW, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination.
2. A minimum of 250 Parking Spaces shall be provided. This parking requirement may be relaxed at the Development Permit stage if supported by a Parking Impact Assessment to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination.
3. Notwithstanding clause 5(4):
a. parking shall be permitted within the Setback along 119 Street NW provided that the Parking Area is screened from view from the Abutting public roadway by a minimum 1.5 m landscaped buffer, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b. outdoor storage and outdoor service areas shall be permitted within the Setback along 119 Street NW, to the south of the Site entrance as shown on Appendix I, provided that the outdoor storage and outdoor service areas are screened from view from the Abutting public roadway by a combination of solid screen Fencing and screen planting, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
4. No loading, storage, waste collection, outdoor service area, or Accessory structure shall be permitted in Area B.
1. Architectural treatment of new structures on the Site shall create visual interest and minimize the perceived mass of the structures as viewed from 119 Street NW to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Architectural treatments may include but are not limited to:
a. variation in building form;
b. varying heights and rooflines;
c. articulation of building Facades;
d. use of two or more high quality and durable exterior finishing materials;
e. consistent treatment of finishing materials on all building Facades; and
f. landscaping along building Facades.
2. All new mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, surface level venting systems, and transformers, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the development to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
3. Any exterior lighting of the Site shall be designed so that the lighting is directed away from an adjacent Residential Zone and illumination shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the Site. Night-time light pollution shall be reduced by avoiding over-illumination of the development and by using exterior lighting fixtures that are full cut-off in design to direct light downward.
1. Landscaping on the Site shall include the use of plant materials that provide colour throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the Site during winter months.
2. Screen planting that is a minimum of 1.85 m in Height shall be provided along any Lot Line where a Parking Area Abuts a Site with a Residential development. The location, length, thickness and Height of such screen planting at maturity shall, in conjunction with a change in Grade or other natural or man-made feature, be sufficient to provide substantial interruption of the view of the Parking Area. If, in the opinion of the Development Officer, screen planting cannot reasonably be expected to survive, masonry walls, wood Fencing or other man-made features may be permitted as a substitution. 

Bylaw attachments