DC2 1047

Stone Industrial - north of Stony Plain Road NW and west of Mayfield Road NW

Charter Bylaw 18717 (February 25, 2019)

To accommodate limited retail, office and business uses, with development regulations that will require a visually  attractive development  along a major city corridor entrance.

This Provision shall apply to Block A, Plan 862 0999, located north of Stony Plain Road NW and west of Mayfield Road NW,  Stone Industrial.

a. Auctioneering Establishments
b. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
c. Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals
d. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
e. Business Support Services
f. Cannabis Retail Sales
g. Convenience Retail Stores
h. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
i. Drive-in Food Services
j. Equipment Rentals
k. Gas Bars
l. Green Houses and Plant Nurseries
m. Health Services
n. Household Repair Services
o. Limited Contractor Services
p. Major Alcohol Sales
q. Major Amusement Establishments
r. Major Service Stations
s. Media Studios
t. Minor Alcohol Sales
u. Minor Amusement Establishments
v. Minor Service Stations
w. Mobile Catering Food Services
x. Motels
y. Nightclubs
z. Personal Service Shops
aa. Private Clubs
bb. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services cc. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
cc. Restaurants
dd. Secondhand Stores
ee. Specialty Food Services gg. Veterinary Services
ff. Warehouse Sales
gg. Fascia On-premises Signs
hh. Freestanding On-premises Signs
ii. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs
jj. Projecting On-premises Signs
a. The maximum  Floor Area Ratio shall be 1.0.
b. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 10 m nor two floors, except that the maximum Height for Professional,  Financial and Office Support Services shall not exceed 10 m nor three floors.
c. A minimum Setback of 7.5 m shall be required along the south prope1iy line Abutting Mayfield  Road NW and Stony Plain Road NW.
d. A minimum Setback of4.5 m shall be required Abutting all other public roadways.
e. No parking,  loading, storage, trash collection,  outdoor services or display area shall be permitted within a required Setback. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of a principal building and shall be screened  from view from any adjacent Sites or public roadways.
f. All exposed building Facades shall have consistent and harmonious exterior finishing materials.
g. Signs shall comply with the Sign Regulations of the Zoning Bylaw and Schedule 59E, as amended,  including regulations  for Discretionary Signs, except that:
i. the minimum Setback for Freestanding Signs and Sign Uses that contain Digital Copy is 4.5 m;
ii. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs shall be processed as a Class B development; and
iii. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs shall be limited to one Freestanding Sign.
h. Signs located on the Facades of buildings shall be similar in proportion, construction materials and placement and shall be designed and located to ensure that the Signs do not detract from the overall appearance of the development, are not obtrusive, and have regard for the scale of the buildings on the Site and the distance of the building Setback.
a. In order to achieve a visually attractive major city corridor entrance, the following additional regulations shall apply to any redevelopment  of the Site:
i. Notwithstanding subsection  4.c. of this  provision,  the Development Officer may increase the Setback from the south property line (Mayfield Road NW and Stony Plain Road NW) for buildings greater than 3,000  m2 in Floor Area and with a Height greater than 8 m. The maximum building Setback required by the Development Officer shall not exceed one-half of the length of the building wall located next to the property line from which the Setback is measured.
ii. Notwithstanding subsection 4.c. and 5.a. of this provision, the Development Officer may use variance power to reduce a 7.5 m Setback to a minimum width of 4.5 m, provided that:
A. the average width of the Setback  is not less than 6.0 m; and
B. this Setback width relaxation is required to allow for a more efficient utilization of the Site and the relaxation shall result in an articulation of the Setback width that shall enhance the overall appearance  of the Site.
iii. All development on a Site shall be constructed using similar architectural themes. An exception may be made to this general requirement where the function of an individual business dictates a specific style or image associated with a company. In such cases, the development shall maintain harmony in terms of overall  project design and appearance.
iv. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units shall be concealed by screening or incorporation within the building roof in a manner that is consistent with the finishing of the building and the overall architectural  themes of the development.
v. Any business premise or multiple occupancy building having a Floor Area greater than 3,000 m2 or a single wall length greater than 40 m that is  visible from Stony Plain Road NW shall comply with the following:
A. the roof line and 'building fa9ade shall include design elements that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest;
B. the exterior wall finishing materials shall be predominantly composed of muted colours, with strong colours limited to use as an accent, so as to minimize the perceived mass of the building; and
C. Landscaping to exterior walls visible.from Stony Plain Road NW shall be used to minimize the perceived mass of the building and to create visual interest.
vi. For new development that results in significant alterations to the Site, a Landscape Plan prepared by a Landscape Architect registered with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects shall be submitted for review and approval  by the Development  Officer. The Landscape  Plan shall ensure a high standard of appearance within the Setbacks and adjacent to buildings  visible from Stony Plain Road NW, and shall be to the satisfaction  of the Development Officer.
vii. Entrances, exits and on-site routes of vehicles, bicycles  and pedestrians shall be located and designed in a manner that demonstrates and plans for safe, universally accessible,  and efficient movement  into and throughout the Site to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation the appropriate  City department.
viii. Adjoining sites shall be integrated by direct on-site access connections to facilitate convenient, efficient and free flowing vehicular traffic and pedestrian movements within and between Sites, where possible, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the appropriate· City depmiment.
ix. All line utility services (such as electricity, telephone and C.A.T.V.) shall  be underground. For greater certainty,  underground  electrical services shall be provided  for Signs requiring such services.
a. The siting, access and traffic impact of the following developments shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the appropriate City Department, who shall ensure that such developments do not prejudice the safety and transportation function of the adjacent public roadways, and may, as a condition of approval,  limit the gross Floor Area and seating capacity:
i. Bars and Neighbourhoood Pubs;
ii. Drive-in Food Services;
iii. Nightclubs;
iv. Professional Financial  and Office Support Services;
v. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services; and
vi. Warehouse Sales.
b. The following regulations shall apply to Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals and Convenience Vehicle Rentals  developments:
i. The size, location, screening and landscaping of the outdoor vehicular display areas shall be subject to the approval of the Development Officer, who shall ensure that development of the site is compatible with the appearances  of site design of surrounding development.
ii. All storage, display or parking areas shall be hard-surfaced in accordance with Zoning Bylaw; and
iii. Lighting for the display areas shall be mounted on lamp standards and no exposed  bulbs or strings of lights shall be used.
iv. The minimum gross Floor Area for a Warehouse Sales Use shall not be less than 1,000 m2 unless at least fifty percent of the gross Floor Area of the establishment is used for warehousing or storage of the goods sold or distributed from the establishment.
v. The maximum  gross Floor Area for a Warehouse  Sales Use shall be 2,500 m2•
vii. For Auctioneering Establishments, all goods to be auctioned shall be displayed and stored within an enclosed building.
viii. For Equipment Rentals, all equipment and goods for rent shall be contained within an enclosed building.
ix. Gas Bars, Minor and Major Service Stations and Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services shall be developed such that any canopy located over the gas pump islands shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the principal building, such that the canopy is not obtrusive and maintains  consistency with the eave line of the principal building.

Bylaw attachments