DC2 1007

Alberta Avenue - Lots 27-28 (portion), Block 33, Plan RN43

Bylaw 18499 (September 5, 2018)

To provide low-density housing with the opportunity to create an individually titled lot for a dwelling unit adjacent to the lane.

The provision shall apply to the parcel of land described as Lots 27-28 (portion), Block 33, Plan RN43 as shown on Schedule “A” of this Bylaw aproting this Provision, Alberta Avenue, and as identified in Appendix “1” attached.

Area “A”

a. Group Homes
b. Limited Group Homes
c. Major Home Based Business
d. Minor Home Based Business
e. Single Detached Housing
f. Urban Gardens
g. Urban Outdoor Farms
h. Fascia On-premises Signs
i. Temporary On-Premises Signs
j. Secondary Suites


Area “B”

a. Limited Group Homes
b. Minor Home Based Business
c. Single Detached Housing
d. Urban Gardens
e. Urban Outdoor Farms
f. Fascia On-premises Signs
g. Temporary On-Premises Signs
a. the minimum Site area shall be 250.8 m2.
b. the minimum Site Width shall be 10 m.
c. The Front Setback shall be a minimum of 3.0 m and shall be consistent within 1.5 m of the Front Setback on Abutting Lots. Where an Abutting Lot is vacant, the vacant Lot shall be deemed to have a Front Setback of the next Abutting Lot.
d. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 40% of Site Depth.
i. Site depth for Area “A” shall be measured as the longest distance from the Front Lot Line to the Rear Lot Line
e. Side Setbacks shall total at least 20% of the Site Width, with a minimum Side Setback of 1.2 m on each side, except;
i. one Side Setback shall be a minimum of 1.5 m
f. Maximum Site coverage shall be 140 m2.
g. The maximum Height shall not exceed 8.9 m.
h. The Basement elevation shall be no more than 1.5 m above Grade. The Basement elevation shall be measured as the distance between Grade and the finished floor of the first Storey.
i. Where an interior Side Setback is less than 2.0 m:
i. the applicant shall provide information regarding the location of side windows of the Dwellings on the Abutting properties and Amenity Areas on Abutting properties; 
ii. the side windows of the proposed Dwelling shall be located to reduce overlook into Amenity Areas of the Abutting properties; and
iii. the proposed Dwelling shall incorporate design techniques, such as, but not limited to, translucent window treatment, window location, raised windows, or Privacy Screening, to reduce direct line of sight into the windows of the Dwelling on the Abutting property.
j. Platform Structures located within a Rear Yard or interior Side Yard, and greater than 1.0 m above the finished ground level, excluding any artificial embankment, shall provide Privacy Screening to prevent visual intrusion into Abutting properties.
k. Platform Structures or single Storey Unenclosed Front Porches may project from the first Storey of a Dwelling a maximum of 2.5 m into a required Front Setback, provided that a minimum of 3.0 m is maintained between the Front Lot Line and the Platform Structure or Unenclosed Front Porch.
l. Platform Structures or single Storey Unenclosed Front Porches may project from the first Storey of a Dwelling a maximum of 2.0 m into a required flanking Side Setback, provided that a minimum of 1.5 m is maintained between the flanking Side Lot Line and the Platform Structure or Unenclosed Front Porch.
m. A minimum distance of 1.2 m shall be maintained from one Side Lot Line to the outside wall of all projections from the first Storey.
n. A principal building shall have at least one entrance door or entrance feature facing a public roadway, other than a Lane.
o. To improve architectural interest of the principal structure(s), design techniques such as variations in roof lines, use of different exterior finishing materials, articulation of building Façades, or varied architectural designs shall be used on all Façades facing a public roadway, other than a Lane.
p. Identical or mirrored front elevations shall not be located on Abutting Sites. Development shall include a variety of finishing materials, or design elements such as varied roof lines, entry features, or variation in window and door placement.
q. Regardless of whether a Site has existing vehicular access from a public roadway, other than a Lane, no such access shall be permitted to continue where an Abutting Lane exists.
r. Rear attached Garages shall not be allowed.
s. A maximum of one principal building shall be allowed.
t. Signs shall comply with the regulations of Schedule 59A of this Bylaw.
u. Trees and shrubs shall be provided in accordance with the following:
i. A minimum of one deciduous tree, one coniferous tree and four shrubs shall be required.
a. The maximum Site area for a principal building shall be 245 m2.
b. The rear Lot line shall be the Lot line abutting the lane.
c. The front Lot line shall be the Lot line furthest and opposite the rear Lot line.
d. The maximum Height shall be as follows:
i. 6.5 m where the roof slope is 4/12 (18.4°) or greater.
ii. 6.2 m where the roof slope is less than 4/12 (18.4°).
iii. Height shall be determined by measuring from the horizontal plane through Grade to the highest point of the parapet where a principal building has a flat roof.
iv. The Development Officer may determine Grade by calculating the average of the elevation of the corners at the rear Lot Line prior to construction as shown on the applicant’s Site Plan.
e. The maximum total Floor Area for a principal building shall be 120 m2.
f. Floor Area for Dwelling space in a principal building shall be provided in accordance with the following:
i. the maximum Floor Area shall be 75 m2;
ii. the minimum Floor Area shall be 30 m2;
iii. the maximum Second Storey Floor Area shall be 50 m2; and
iv. for the purposes of this regulation, Floor Area shall exclude Parking Areas within the building, up to 4 m2 of the area covered by stairways, and up to 6 m2 of the area covered by elevators and any associated landing area;
g. Maximum Site coverage shall be 70 m2.
h. Rear Setbacks shall be established on the following basis:
i. Where the vehicle doors face the Lane, the minimum Setback to the Lot line Abutting the Lane shall be 1.2 m; and
ii. Where the vehicle doors do not face,the minimum Setback to the Lot line Abutting the Lane shall be 0.6 m.
iii. The minimum Side Setback from the south Lot line shall be 1.2 m.
iv. The minimum Side Setback from the north Lot line shall be 0 m.
i. The principal building shall be fully contained within the rear 12.8 m of the Site.
j. Where a principal building contains a Parking Area, it shall have an entrance separate from the vehicle entrance to the Parking Area, either from a common indoor landing or directly from the exterior of the structure.
k. Where a principal building is two Storeys, the applicant shall provide information regarding the location of windows and the location of any existing Amenity Areas on Abutting properties. Second Storey windows shall be placed and sized such that they reduce overlook into Yards and windows of Abutting properties to the satisfaction of the Development Officer through one or more of the following:
i. reducing direct views of Rear Yard or Side Yard Amenity Areas, or direct views into a Single Detached Houses window on an Abutting Site through off-setting window placement, locating windows above eye level, or obscuring windows with translucent treatment;
ii. strategic placement of windows in conjunction with landscaping or the placement of other accessory buildings; and
iii. placing larger windows such as Principal Living Room Windows to face a lane, a flanking street, or the larger of any Side Yard abutting another property.
l. Rooftop Terraces shall not be allowed on a principal building.
m. Platform Structures greater than 1.0 m above Grade shall be fully contained within the rear 6.0 m of the Site and shall provide Privacy Screening to reduce overlook onto Abutting properties.
n. Façades shall be articulated to the satisfaction of the Development Officer through two or more of the following:
i. projection or recession of portions of the façade;
ii. projecting architectural features;
iii. platform structures;
iv. use of two or more exterior finishing materials;
v. Landscaping with shrubs along building Façades
vi. entrance features oriented toward the public roadway, including a Lane;
vii. dormers; or
viii. window trim with a minimum width of 0.075 m.
o. Trees and shrubs shall be provided in accordance with the following:
i. A minimum of 2 shrubs shall be required.
p. Façades facing a Lane shall have exterior lighting.
q. A principal building shall have a covered entrance feature over the main door.
r. A maximum of one principal building shall be allowed.
a. The minimum distance between principal buildings in Area A and Area B shall be 4.0 m.
b. The minimum distance between the north Lot Lines in Area A and Area B shall be 3 m.
c. All roof drainage shall be directed away from buildings and to a public roadway, including a Lane, or to a drainage work. Application for subdivision shall include a detailed drainage plan showing the proposed drainage of the site.
d. Maintenance and/or drainage and utility easement(s) may be required between abutting properties and/or through private yards of one or more dwellings to ensure adequate access for property, drainage and utility maintenance.


Bylaw attachments