DC2 100

Ridgewood - southeast corner of 28 Avenue and 48 Street

Bylaw 8371 (October 28, 1986)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate a day care centre and low to medium density multiple family housing, generally as row housing and to establish sensitive site development regulations that will ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses.

The DC5 shall apply to Lot 76 and Lot 75 PUL, Block 27, Plan 802 1673; located at the southeast corner of 28 Avenue and 48 Street, Ridgewood, Mill Woods.

a. Apartment Housing and Stacked Row Housing, provided that each building contain not more than 4 dwellings with each dwelling having Habitable Rooms in the lowest storey of the building in which the dwelling is located, and individual access to grade.
b. Row Housing, including Linked Housing and Semi-detached Housing
c. Single Detached Housing
d. Homecrafts
e. Offices-in-the-Home
f. Limited Group Homes
g. Foster Homes
h. Daytime Child Care Services
a. Not more than 0.0435 ha of the site shall be developed for Daytime Child Care Services, including associated functions such as parking and outdoor play space.
b. The maximum density on the site shall be 42 dwellings/ha (17.0 dwellings/acre), up to a maximum of 6 dwelling units on the site.
c. The maximum height shall not exceed 10 m (32.8 feet) nor 2½ storeys.
d. For the residential uses, the maximum total site coverage shall be 40%, with a maximum of 28% for a principal building and a maximum of 12% for accessory buildings. Where parking is provided underground or garages are attached to or designed as an integral part of dwellings, the maximum for principal buildings shall be 40%.
e. A landscaped yard, a minimum of 6 m (19.7 ft.) in width, shall be provided adjacent to 48 Street, except that this yard may be reduced to 3 m (9.8 ft.) in width for the portion of the site developed for Daytime Child Care Services. Landscaping should consist of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs.
f. A yard a minimum of 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) in width, shall be provided adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site, except for that portion of the site to be developed for a outdoor play area as required by Clause 5 e)i) of this District;
g. A landscaped yard, a minimum of 2 m (6.6 ft.) in width, shall be provided adjacent to the northern and southern boundary of the site. Solid and durable screen fencing 1.85 m (6.1 ft.) in height shall be provided along the southern boundary of the site.
h. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 58 of the Land Use Bylaw.
i. Minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Areas, at grade, of 30 m2 (322.9 sq. ft.) per dwelling unit shall be provided.
j. Except for Housing developed for the purpose of accommodating senior citizens, Dwellings shall be family-oriented, in accordance with the requirements of Section 9(20) of the Land Use Bylaw.
k. Signs may be allowed in the District as provided for in Schedule 79B and in accordance with the general provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
l. Development in the District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Section 50-79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
m. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Sections 50-79 and the provisions of this District, if in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
a. Notwithstanding Section 4, Single Detached Housing in this District shall be developed in accordance with the provisions of the RF1 District.
b. Offices-in-the-Home shall be developed in accordance with Section 84 of the Land Use Bylaw.
c. Homecrafts shall be developed in accordance with Section 85 of the Land Use Bylaw.
d. Limited Group Homes shall be developed in accordance with Section 91 of the Land Use Bylaw.
e. The following regulations shall apply to Daytime Child Care Services:
i. Daytime Child Care Services shall be located only in the northern portion of the site, with outdoor play space to be provided to the east of the Daytime Child Care Services building and screened with a 1.85 m (6.1 ft.) high fence;
ii. Landscaping to visually separate the Daytime Child Care Services building from the residential development shall be provided;
iii. A drop-off area for the Daytime Child Care Services building, sufficient to allow for on-site maneuvering of vehicles, shall be provided adjacent to 48 Street; and
iv. The Daytime Child Care Services building shall be designed and finished in a manner which is compatible with surrounding residential development having regard to roof lines, the placement of windows, and building finishes

Bylaw attachments