DC1 19693

The Uplands - 2303 - 199 ST NW

Charter Bylaw 19693 (May 18, 2021)


To allow for the development of Multi-Unit Housing in the form of row housing with rear attached Garages, to be developed on individual lots.

This Provision shall apply to a portion of SW ¼ 5-52-25-4, located east of 199 Street and north of Maskekosihk Trail NW, The Uplands, as shown on Schedule “B” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

a. Child Care Services
b. Supportive Housing, restricted to Limited Supportive Housing
c. Major Home Based Business
d. Minor Home Based Business
e. Multi-Unit Housing, only in the form of row housing
f. Residential Sales Centre
g. Secondary Suite
h. Urban Gardens
i. Urban Outdoor Farms
j. Fascia On-premises Signs
a. The minimum Site Area shall be 175 m2 per principal Dwelling.
b. The minimum Site Width shall be in accordance with Table 1.
Table 1 Minimum Site Width – Individual Lots
i. Multi-unit Housing – internal Dwelling 5.4 m
ii. Multi-unit Housing – end Dwelling 7.3 m
c. The minimum Site Depth shall be 33 m.
d. The minimum Front Setback shall be 4.5 m.
e. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 5.5 m.
f. The minimum Side Setback shall be 1.2 m, except that on a Corner Site, the minimum Side Setback abutting the flanking public roadway, other than a Lane, shall be 2.4 m.
g. The maximum total Site Coverage shall be in accordance with Table 2, inclusive of the attached Garage:
Table 2 Maximum Site Coverage – Individual Lots Principal building with attached Garage
i. Multi-unit Housing – internal Dwelling 55%
ii. Multi-unit Housing – end Dwelling 45%
iii.Multi-unit Housing – corner Dwelling, Abutting the flanking public roadway other than a lane. 40%
h. The maximum Height shall not exceed 13 m.
i. The maximum width of any Multi-unit Housing building facing a public roadway other than a lane shall be 28 m.
j. Each Dwelling within the Multi-Unit Housing shall be individually defined through a combination of architectural features that may include variations in the rooflines, projection or recession of the Façade, porches or entrance features, building materials, or other treatments.
k. On Corner Sites the Façades of a principal building abutting the Front Lot Line and flanking Side Lot Line shall use consistent building materials and architectural features, and shall include features such as windows, doors, or porches.
l. Vehicular access shall be from a Lane.
m. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Section 59A.

Bylaw attachments