DC1 19628

Blatchford Area -  11356, 11358 and 11410 - Kingsway NW (Hangar 14)

Hangar 14 (housing the Alberta Aviation Museum)

Charter Bylaw 19628 (April 7, 2021)

To preserve Hangar 14, housing the Alberta Aviation Museum, a designated Municipal Historic Resource, as an museum and community hub, including additional signage opportunities and improvements to site accessibility.

This Provision shall apply to Block OT, Plan 6466MC, Blk OT Plan 5328MC, Lot 1, Block 15C Plan 5328MC located at 11356, 11358 and 11410 - Kingsway NW, as shown on Schedule “A” appended to the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, Blatchford Area.

  1. Animal Hospitals and Shelters
  2. Auctioneering Establishments
  3. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops.
  4. Automotive andMinor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals
  5. Business Support Services
  6. Carnivals
  7. Commercial Schools
  8. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
  9. Child Care Services
  10. Drive-in Food Services
  11. Equipment Rentals
  12. Fleet Services
  13. Gas Bars
  14. General Retail Stores
  15. Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries
  16. Health Services
  17. Households Repair Services
  18. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
  19. Limited Contractor Services
  20. Liquor Stores
  21. Markets
  22. Media Studios
  23. Mobile Catering Food Services
  24. Outdoor Amusement Establishments
  25. Personal Service Shop
  26. Private Clubs
  27. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
  28. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
  29. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
  30. Recycling Depots
  31. Restaurants for less than 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space
  32. Secondhand Stores
  33. Special Event
  34. Specialty Food Services for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space
  35. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
  36. Spectator Sports Establishments
  37. Truck and Mobile Home Sales/Rentals
  38. Veterinary Services
  39. Warehouse Sales
  40. Fascia On-premises Signs
  41. Freestanding Off-premises Signs
  42. Major Digital Signs
  43. Freestanding On-premises Signs
  44. Minor Digital Off-premises Signs
  45. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs
  46. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
  47. Projecting On-premises Signs
  48. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. The maximum height of any permanent or temporary structure shall not exceed or 14m, whichever is less.
2. The minimum site frontage shall be 30m unless access is provided from a service road.
3. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 3.0.
4. A minimum yard of 4.5 m shall be required where a site abuts a public roadway other than a lane, except:
a. where adjacent commercial buildings abut the property line to form a pedestrian-oriented shopping street, no yard shall be required;
b. where there is no vehicular access to the site from the public roadway, the minimum yard shall be not less than 3 m. 
6.  A minimum yard of 4.5 m shall be required where the rear or side lot line of the site abuts the lot line of a site in a Blatchford Residential District.
7. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites, public roadways or light rail transit lines in accordance with the provisions of Section 54.1-54.6 of the Zoning Bylaw. If the rear or sides of a site are used for parking, an outdoor service or display area, or both, and abut a Residential District or a lane serving a Residential District, they shall be screened in
accordance with the provisions of Section 69.3 of the Zoning Bylaw.
8. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Section 59 and Schedule 59 E .
9. Child Care Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 80 of the Zoning Bylaw.
10. Liquor Stores shall be developed in accordance with Section 85 of the Zoning Bylaw.
11. Development in this district shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the general development regulations of Section 50 to 99, inclusive, of the Zoning Bylaw.
12. The following development criteria shall apply to Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals, Convenience Vehicle Rentals and Truck and Mobile Homes Sales/Rentals developments:
a. all storage, display or parking areas shall be hardsurfaced in accordance with Section 54.4 of the Zoning Bylaw;
b. all display areas which abut a Residential District or a lane servicing a Residential District shall be screened in accordance with the provisions of Section 49 of the Zoning Bylaw; and
c. lighting for the display areas shall be mounted on lamp standards and no exposed bulbs or strings of lights shall be used.


1. Development in this provision shall be considered only with prior approval in respect to the Historical Resource Act as administered by the Province of Alberta.
2. The Museum and the associated lands are a Designated Municipal Historic Resource. Exterior alterations and additions shall be sympathetic to and compatible with the historic Façades of the Museum to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer.
3. The following standards and guidelines shall be applied when reviewing Development Permit applications for the Museum:
  • The General Guidelines for Rehabilitation contained in the City of Edmonton Bylaw 12868, a Bylaw to designate the Hangar 14 as a Municipal Historic Resource; and
  • The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.

Bylaw attachments