DC1 19270

Cromdale - east of 82 Street between 111 and Jasper Avenue

Schedule "H" Stadium ARP (DC1 Area 3) Viewpoint Direct Development Control District

Bylaw 19270 (March 15, 2021)

All of Sub-Area 3, east of 82 Street between 111 and Jasper Avenue, designated DC1 (Area 3) in Bylaw 6930, amending the Land Use Bylaw.

It is the intent of this Plan to provide a district to preserve and protect the low density family oriented housing function the area serves, and to recognize and protect the heritage resources and low density family-oriented residential functions which exist in this Sub-Area, to recognize the unique geography of the Viewpoint community, and to provide guidelines to stabilize and protect the character of this neighbourhood, in order to achieve the intent of Section 3.4 of this Plan.  To accomplish this last objective, guidelines are set forward in this District which will control the design of new development and additions to existing development in a manner that ensures common design elements and building materials are utilized throughout the area.

The following uses are prescribed for lands designated DC1 (Area 3) pursuant to Section 710.3 of the Land Use Bylaw:

  1. Single detached housing.
  2. Duplex Housing where existing on the date of passage of this Bylaw.
  3. Semi-detached Housing where existing on the date of passage of this Bylaw.
  4. Conversions of Single-detached housing to not more than four dwelling units, where existing on the date of passage of this Bylaw.
  5. Homecrafts
  6. Offices-in-the-Home

The following development criteria shall apply to the prescribed uses pursuant to Section 710.4 of the Land Use Bylaw:

  1. The maximum total site coverage shall not exceed 50%, with a maximum of 35% for a principal building and a maximum of 15% for accessory buildings. Where a garage is attached to or designed as an integral part of a dwelling, the maximum for the principal building shall be 50%.
  2. Separation space shall be provided in accordance with Section 58 of the Land Use Bylaw.
  3. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 66 of the Land Use Bylaw.
  4. Offices-In-the-Home shall be developed in accordance with Section 84 of the Land Use Bylaw.
  5. Homecrafts shall be developed in accordance with Section 85 of the Land Use Bylaw.
  6. Architectural treatment of new construction and additions to existing development shall reflect the character and proportions of existing pre-1940 structures in the District, which may be achieved by:
    i. ensuring the individuality of the dwelling or structure through design, location and proportions of entrances and windows, such that the building's exterior is reminiscent of existing pre- 1940 structures in the district.  Examples of such treatment would Include double-hung windows constructed of wood rather than sliding aluminum windows, and the front entrance door being centrally located on the facade. The ratio of height to width for windows other than bay or living room windows should be between 2:1 and 3:1.
    ii. ensuring that floor plan layouts are reminiscent of pre-1940 structures in the area through the inclusion of central entrance hallways, separate living and dining rooms and two-storey designs. Split level and ranch layouts are discouraged.
    iii. ensuring that elements common to the residential architecture of the district are emphasized through the inclusion of features such as: - dormers and bay windows - pitch and gambrel roofs and gables - porches and verandas - details of cornices and lintels - wood shingles - brick or narrow horizontal clapboard as prominent exterior finishes.
  7. Renovation of existing structures shall retain the original architectural elements and proportions of the structure, including the elements outlined in Section of this Plan.
    i. When reviewing development applications, the Development Officer shall have regard for the requirements of Sections and in particular, and he shall review such applications with the City's Heritage Officer.
    ii. The minimum site and yard requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 140.4, Clauses (6) to (8), of the Land Use Bylaw. Notwithstanding this, the Development Officer may, at his discretion, reduce the minimum yard requirements further where one or more adjacent properties exhibit similar variations from the RF3 District regulations (Section 140, Land Use Bylaw), providing this creates no adverse impact on these properties, in accordance with Section 51.2 of the Land Use Bylaw.

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