DC1 19249

Ambleside - South of Windermere Boulevard and West of Allan Drive SW

Bylaw 17739 (September 7, 2016)

Bylaw 18538 (September 17, 2018)

Charter Bylaw 18952 (August 26, 2019)

Charter Bylaw 19249 (April 28, 2020)

To accommodate low intensity commercial and residential mixed-use development. The purpose is to complement the adjacent residential and employment uses with a transition of mixed compatible uses. Development regulations shall create a pedestrian-friendly environment and complement adjacent development through urban design controls and guidelines.

This Provision shall apply to Condominium Plan 1721160; Condominium Plan 1920337; Lots 2 & 3, Block 6, Plan 1523562; Lot 1, Block 6, Plan 1524429; Lots 84, 85, 86, 88, & 89, Block 20, Plan 1524442; Lot 4, Block 6, Plan 1524442; and Lot 82A, Block 20, Plan 1620292, containing approximately 8.1 ha, as illustrated conceptually on Schedule "A" of the Bylaw adopting this DC1 Provision.

The following uses shall be available in each sub area, in accordance with Appendix I.

Area 'A'
a) Animal Hospitals and Shelters
b) Business Support Services
c) Child Care Services
d) Commercial Schools
e) Convenience Retail Stores
f) Convenience Vehicle Rentals
g) Drive-In Food Services
h) Equipment Rentals
i) Extended Medical Treatment Services
j) General Retail Stores
k) Government Services
l) Health Services
m) Household Repair Services
n) Indoor Participant Recreation Services
o) Limited Contractor Services
p) Live Work Unit
q) Major Amusement Establishments
r) Personal Service Shops
s) Private Clubs
t) Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
u) Protective and Emergency Services
v) Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
w) Religious Assembly
x) Restaurants
y) Specialty Food Services
z) Spectator Entertainment Establishments  
aa) Veterinary Services
bb) Warehouse Sales
cc) Fascia Off-premises Signs  
dd) Fascia On-premises Signs
ee) Freestanding Off-premises Signs  
ff) Freestanding On-premises Signs  
gg) Projecting On-premises Signs  
hh) Roof Off-premises Signs
ii) Roof On-premises Signs
jj) Temporary On-premises Signs
Area 'B' and Area ‘E’
a) Multi unit Housing
b) Automotive and Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales/Rentals
c) Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
d) Business Support Services
e) Child Care Services
f) Commercial Schools
g) Convenience Retail Stores
h) Convenience Vehicle Rentals
i) Drive-In Food Services
j) Exhibition and Convention Facilities
k) Extended Medical Treatment Services
l) General Retail Stores
m) Government Services
n) Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Market Gardens
o) Health Services
p) Hotels
q) Indoor Participant Recreation Services
r) Live Work Unit
s) Lodging Houses
t) Personal Service Shops
u) Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
v) Private Clubs
w) Liquor Stores
x) Nightclubs
y) Veterinary Services
z) Religious Assembly
aa) Restaurants
bb) Residential Sales Centres  
cc) Specialty Food Services
dd) Spectator Entertainment Establishments  
ee) Fascia Off-premises Signs
ff) Fascia On-premises Signs
gg) Freestanding Off-premises Signs  
hh) Freestanding On-premises Signs
ii) Projecting On-premises Signs
jj) Roof Off-premises Signs
kk) Roof On-premises Signs
ll) Temporary On-premises Signs
Area 'C'
a) Animal Hospitals and Shelters
b) Automotive and Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales/Rentals
c) Business Support Services
d) Child Care Services
e) Commercial Schools
f) Convenience Retail Stores
g) Convenience Vehicle Rentals
h) Drive-In Food Services
i) Equipment Rentals
j) Exhibition and Convention Facilities
k) Extended Medical Treatment Services
l) General Retail Stores
m) Government Services
n) Health Services
o) Hotels
p) Household Repair Services
q) Indoor Participant Recreation Services
r) Limited Contractor Services
s) Live Work Unit
t) Major Amusement Establishments
u) Personal Service Shops
v) Private Clubs
w) Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
x) Protective and Emergency Services
y) Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
z) Religious Assembly
aa) Restaurants
bb) Specialty Food Services
cc) Spectator Entertainment Establishments  
dd) Veterinary Services
ee) Warehouse Sales
ff) Fascia Off-premises Signs
gg) Fascia On-premises Signs
hh) Freestanding Off- premises Signs  
ii) Freestanding On-premises Signs
jj) Projecting On-premises Signs  
kk) Roof Off-premises Signs
ll) Roof On-premises Signs
mm) Temporary On-premises Signs
Area 'D'
a) Animal Hospitals and Shelters
b) Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
c) Business Support Services
d) Cannabis Retail Services
e) Child Care Services
f) Commercial Schools
g) Convenience Retail Stores
h) Convenience Vehicle Rentals
i) Equipment Rentals
j) Extended Medical Treatment Services
k) General Retail Stores
l) Government Services
m) Health Services
n) Household Repair Services
o) Indoor Participant Recreation Services
p) Major Amusement Establishments
q) Personal Service Shops
r) Private Clubs
s) Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
t) Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
u) Restaurants
v) Specialty Food Services
w) Veterinary Services
x) Fascia On-premises Signs
y) Freestanding Off-premises Signs  
z) Freestanding On-premises Signs  
aa) Projecting On-premises Signs  
bb) Roof On-premises Signs
cc) Temporary On-premises Signs
a. The following Uses shall only be designed as an integral component of a Hotel, or a Professional, Financial and Office Support Services building and shall not have direct public access from the outside of the building:
i. Convenience Retail Stores
ii. General Retail Stores
iii. Major Amusement Establishments
iv. Liquor Stores
v. Nightclubs
vi. Specialty Food Services
b. Section 4 (a) of this Bylaw shall not apply to Area ' D'.
c. Prior to the issuance of the first Development Permit for the Site, the Development Officer shall be satisfied as to the Site suitability, in consultation with the Environmental and Energy Coordination Unit.
d. A minimum Setback of 3.0 m shall be required.
e. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 18.0 m.
f. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a minimum Setback adjacent to a public roadway, public walkway or a residential zone. Vehicular parking, loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites or public roadways in accordance with Section 55.
g. Parking shall be in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw.
h. Underground parking shall be in accordance with Zoning Bylaw.
i. Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 55. Notwithstanding Section 55.4, for the purpose of calculating Landscaping requirements, subsection 55.7 shall apply to all Use Classes.
j. A detailed Landscaping plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 55.4 prior to the approval of any development permit. The landscape plan, with planting details, must have the seal and signature of a Registered Alberta Landscape Architect and shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.  
k. A detailed lighting plan of the exterior of buildings and any outdoor parking display, and storage areas shall be submitted at the time of Development Permit application, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
l. Signs shall comply with the Sign Regulations found in Section 59 and 59F.
m. Development regulations specific to Area ‘E’:
i. Notwithstanding Section 4(d) parking, canopies and support structures shall be permitted within the northeast Setback adjacent to a public walkway.
ii. Notwithstanding Section (m)(i) of this Bylaw, parking in the northwest corner adjacent to a public walkway, shall be screened by landscaping and a minimum of one tree.
iii. Parking, loading and trash collection shall be permitted within the rear setback.  
a. The development shall create a pedestrian-friendly environment, which may include entrance features, outdoor sitting areas, canopies, landscaping and other features that lend visual interest and a human scale to development.
b. A 3.0 metre hard surface walkway east-west connection within a 6.0 metre walkway (public access) shall be provided through the site as shown in Appendix I.
c. All exterior lighting shall be designed so all light is contained within the Site.
d. Functional and decorative lighting shall be provided throughout the Site to enhance the appearance of the Site and buildings. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan as part of a Development Permit application demonstrating this standard.
a. Building design shall accommodate visual interest features such as varied roof lines, architectural  projections, balconies, variations in Setbacks and Stepbacks, or other design techniques to minimize building massing and/or shadow impacts and provide architectural interest, complimentary to adjacent residential uses.
b. In considerations of principles of Crime Prevention through Environment Design (CPTED), primary building entrances shall be identifiable, prominent, accessible, and inviting and shall incorporate weather protection features in the form of architectural elements such as a canopy, and provide adequate lighting to identify these areas at night, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. All development shall be required to comply with, but are not limited to, the following Architectural Design Guidelines:
i. Elevation articulation shall be implemented for all sides of each building over two Storeys;
ii. Building finishes shall be of a high quality, durable and attractive in appearance;
iii. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units shall be concealed by screening or incorporation within the building roof in a manner that is consistent with the finishing of the building and the overall architectural style of the development; and
iv. Facade treatment of building(s) located along public roadways and/or adjacent to any Residential Zone shall provide a consistent architectural profile and create a sensitive design interface with adjacent buildings and uses.

Bylaw attachments

Bylaw graphics

Charter Bylaw 19249 - Appendix I