DC1 15753

Granville - south of Whitemud Drive and east of Winterburn Road (215 Street)

Bylaw 15753 (June 20, 2011)

The purpose of this Zone is to provide a Direct Development Control Zone for a range of commercial uses intended to serve a community and/or regional trade area, with low intensity commercial, office and service uses, and for businesses requiring sites in a location with good visibility and accessibility along, or adjacent to, major public roadways.  Direct Development Control regulations will ensure compatibility with residential land uses located to the east and a higher standard of appearance.

This District shall apply to the un-subdivided portion of NW 1/4 19-52-25-W4 within The Granville Neighbourhood Structure Plan shown on Appendix 1 appended to this Bylaw comprising approximately 5.4 ha.

a.Animal Hospitals & Shelters
b.Apartment Hotels, to a maximum height of 28.0 m
c.Automotive and Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales/Rentals
d.Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
e.Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
f.Business Support Services
g.Child Care Services
h.Commercial Schools
i.Convenience Retail Stores
j.Convenience Vehicle Rentals
k.Drive-in Food Services
l.Equipment Rentals, provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building
m.Gas Bars
n.General Industrial Use, limited to self-storage facilities, which are compartmentalized building/s constructed to facilitate the temporary storage of household or non-hazardous commercial goods, which may include an on-site caretaker’s residence
o.General Retail Stores
p.Government Services
q.Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Market Gardens
r.Health Services
s.Hotels, to a maximum Height of 28.0 m
t.Household Repair Services
u.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
v.Limited Contractor Services
w.Minor and Major Service Stations
x.Minor and Major Amusement Establishments
y.Minor and Major Alcohol Sales
z.Mobile Catering Food Services
bb.Nightclubs, but not to exceed 200 occupants and 240.0 m2 of Public Space
cc.Non-accessory Parking
dd.Personal Service Shops
ee.Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
ff.Private Clubs
gg.Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
hh.Religious Assembly Residential Sales Centre
ii. Restaurants
jj. Specialty Food Services
kk.Temporary Storage
ll.Truck and Mobile Home Sales/Rentals
mm.Veterinary Services
nn.Warehouse Sales
oo.Fascia Off-premises Signs
pp.Fascia On-premises Signs
qq.Freestanding Off-premises Signs
rr. Freestanding On-premises Signs
ss.Projecting On-premises Signs
tt.Temporary On-premises Signs
uu.Roof Off-premises Signs
vv.Roof On-premises Signs

Except where provided for specifically in the Uses of this Bylaw, the following shall be applicable:


a. The Minimum Site Area shall be 0.40 ha (1.0 ac).
b. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 1.0 for Self-Storage Facilities and 3.5 for other Uses.
c. The maximum building height shall not exceed 14.0 m nor four storeys for any structure located 7.5 m from the rear property line of any residential lot located east of the Site and shall not exceed 28.0 m within the Direct Control area.
d. A landscaped Yard of a minimum of 4.5 m in depth shall be provided adjacent to 215 Street.
e. A landscaped Yard of a minimum of 7.5 m in depth with 1.8 m height wood screen fence and 1.0 m height berm shall be provided along the east property line adjacent to residential areas. Landscaping in this Yard shall to the extent that it can be accommodated include the planting of deciduous trees (minimum 6.0 cm in calliper) or coniferous trees (minimum 2.5 m in height) to provide some screening to the adjacent residential uses.
f. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, or outdoor service, or display area shall be permitted within a required Yard. Loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building where reasonably possible and shall be screened from view from adjacent residential areas including any adjacent sites or roadways with planting and/or earth berms and/or masonry walls and/or fencing and/or other man-made features, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
g. Development in this Zone shall comply with the following architectural and landscape guidelines to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
  i. All exterior-finishing materials must be of good quality, durable and attractive in appearance.
  ii. Any building having a ground floor area greater than 3,000 m2 or with a single wall exceeding 30 m in length and visible from a public road shall comply with the following design guidelines:
  1. the roofline and building facade shall include design elements and variations that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest;
  2. the exterior wall finishing materials shall consist of brick, architectural split faced block, architectural panels, pre-cast concrete, textured concrete, stone, glazing or stucco, pre-finished metal with wood limited to use as an accent; and
  3. the provision of landscaping to minimize the perceived mass of the building and create visual interest.
  iii. Onsite security and building lighting shall be situated and designed such that the illumination is directed downwards and no direct rays of light are directed outward from a Site that would negatively impact adjacent residential areas.
  iv. All mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be reasonably concealed from ground level by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building roof.
  v. Where off-street parking for fifty (50) or more vehicles is required, and is being provided at grade, dispersed landscaped areas shall be provided within the interior of the parking area(s) for the purpose of providing visual relief and to breakup large areas of parking into smaller cells.  This landscaping treatment shall include landscaped islands at the termini of long rows of parking or some other form of landscaping treatments to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
h. Signs shall be allowed in this Zone in accordance with the following provisions:
  i. Fascia On-premises Signs shall be subject to the following regulations:
  1. Fascia On-premises Signs shall only face a roadway other than a Lane;
  2. The top of a Fascia On-premises Sign shall not extend more than 30 cm above the building roof or parapet wall;
  3. any Fascia On-premises Sign that extends over a right-of-way or passageway intended for pedestrian travel shall maintain a minimum clearance of 2.4 m;
  4. any Fascia On-premises Sign may not cover more than 50% of the face of the wall where it is displayed; and
  5. Fascia On-premises Signs may be illuminated, animated, digital and contain electronic copy.
  ii. Projecting On-premises Signs shall be subject to the following regulations:
  1. Projecting On-premises Signs shall only face a roadway other than a Lane;
  2. any Projecting On-premises Sign shall not be less than 2.4 m above Grade;
  3. the top of a Projecting On-premises Sign on a building two Storeys or higher shall not extend more than 75 cm above the floor of the second Storey;
  4. any Projecting On-premises Sign and its supporting structure may project a maximum of 2.0 m;
  5. the horizontal separation distance between a Projecting On-premises Sign and its support structure and the curb line of a roadway shall be not less than 0.6 m;
  6. not more than one Projecting On-premises Sign shall be allowed for each individual business premise;
  7. Projecting On-premises Signs shall be erected in such manner that the structural support elements are designed or concealed so as to appear as an integral part of the overall Sign design and such that no angle iron bracing, guide wires or similar support elements are visible from a roadway or other public right-of-way; and
  8. Projecting On-premises Signs may be illuminated.
  iii. Freestanding On-premises Signs shall be subject to the following regulations:
  1. the maximum Height of a Freestanding On-premises Sign shall be 12.2 m;
  2. the maximum Area of a Freestanding On-premises Sign shall not exceed 28.0 m²;
  3. the maximum number of Freestanding On-premises Signs shall not exceed one per business abutting a roadway;
  4. Freestanding On-premises Signs locations shall be set back 3.0 m from the property line where the Site shares a property line with another parcel;
  5. Freestanding On-premises Signs shall have a 20.0 m radial separation distance from any other Freestanding On-premises Sign on the same Site;
  6. Freestanding On-premises Signs may be illuminated; and
  7. Freestanding On-premises Signs may include electronic Copy or Animation subject to reasonable review of the Development Officer.
  iv. Temporary Signs shall be subject to the following regulations:
  1. for a single tenant Site, not more than two Temporary Signs shall be allowed;
  2. for a multiple tenant development not more than a one Temporary Sign for each 30.0 m of frontage shall be allowed;
  3. the maximum duration of display for each Temporary Sign location shall be a total of 180 days in a calendar year, provided that no Temporary Sign shall remain at a location for more than 90 consecutive days, during which time, unlimited changes to the Copy of the Signs shall be allowed;
  4. for Uses of a seasonal or short-term nature that operate for six months or less in a calendar year, a Temporary Sign shall be allowed for the operating period of the Use;
  5. Temporary Signs shall be located within the property lines of the Site and be located at least 1.0 m inside of the property line.  A Temporary Sign shall not interfere with access to or from the Site and shall not impair the sight lines for vehicular traffic;
  6. Temporary Signs may be illuminated but shall not have any flashing or running lights;
  7. Temporary Freestanding Signs shall have a maximum Height of 5.0 m and a maximum Area of 25.0 m²;
  8. Temporary Inflatable Signs shall not exceed the maximum Building Height of the Zone and shall not be located within any required Yard or Setback;
  9. all Temporary Signs shall have a permanent tag, label, plate, marking or other means of identifying ownership of the Sign for enforcement purposes.  The ownership information shall be located in a visible location on the Sign; and
  10. Temporary Signs shall be removed on or before the date that the permit expires.
  v. Roof On-premises Signs shall be allowed subject to the following regulations:
  1. the combined Height of any Roof On-premises Sign and building shall not exceed the Height of the Zone;
  2. Roof On-premises Signs shall not face an abutting Residential Zone;
  3. a Roof On-premises Sign may be allowed as a replacement for one Freestanding Sign.  However, the Development Officer may exercise discretion to allow a Roof On-premises Sign if the addition of the Sign does not adversely impact the amenities or character of the Zone;
  4. the maximum Area of any Roof On-premises Sign shall not exceed 28.0 m²;
  5. Roof On-premises Signs may be illuminated;
  6. all proposed Roof On-premises Sign locations shall be reviewed in context with the surrounding development, such as (but not limited to):  the architectural theme of the area; and the requirements of any Statutory Plan;
  7. the maximum number of Freestanding On-premises Signs and Roof On-premises Signs shall be limited to a maximum of one per business; and
  8. support elements for any Roof On-premises Sign shall be concealed.
  vi. Freestanding Off-premises Signs shall be subject to the following regulations:
  1. Freestanding Off-premises Sign permits may be approved for a period of up to five years;
  2. all proposed Freestanding Off-premises Sign locations shall be reviewed in context with the surrounding development, such as (but not limited to): the architectural theme of the area; and proximity to residential development.  The Development Officer may require revisions to the application to mitigate the impact of a proposed Off-premises Sign or may refuse a permit that adversely impacts the built environment;
  3. the maximum height of any Freestanding Off-premises Sign shall be 12.2 m;
  4. the maximum area of any Freestanding Off-premises Sign shall be 30.0 m2;
  5. Freestanding Off-premises Sign shall be separated from any other Off-premises sign by 100.0 m; and
  6. Freestanding Off-premises signs may be illuminated, digital, including electronic copy, and include animation, subject to review by the Development Officer in consultation with the Transportation Department.
  7. Developments in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800, as amended, except where provisions within this bylaw supersede those of the general Development Regulations.
i. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to the General Development Regulations of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800, as amended and the provisions of this Zone if, in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the General Purpose of the Zone and would not adversely affect the amenities, use, and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
j. Prior to Development Permit, an owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. The Agreement process includes an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements to be addressed in the Agreement include, but are not limited to, the following:
  i. Payment of the proportionate share of the Arterial Roadway Assessment for the construction of arterial roadways in the catchment area;
  ii. the upgrade of 215 Street from Whitemud Drive to south of Glastonbury Boulevard, to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department;
  iii. the construction of signalized intersections for the looping Private Road and 215 Street. The north Private Road intersection is to align with the existing River Cree Resort and Casino site south access and the south Private Road intersection is to be located to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department. The timing of the installation of the traffic signals at these intersections is to be at the direction of the Transportation Department;
  iv. the construction of a 1.5 m sidewalk in its ultimate alignment along the east side of 215 Street between Glastonbury Boulevard and the north Private Road;
  v. the construction of bus stops and shelter pads to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department; and
  vi. any required traffic signal modifications at the Whitemud Drive and 215 Street intersection, including rephases, cabinet upgrade and/or signal pole relocations.
k. As a condition of Development Permit, a 1.5 m sidewalk shall be constructed along at least one-side of the looping Private Road.

The following uses shall be developed only when totally enclosed in a building:

i. Animal Hospitals and Shelters;
ii. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops; and
iii. Minor Veterinary Services.

Bylaw attachments