DC1 14772

Ambleside - South of Windermere Boulevard and east of Terwillegar Drive

Bylaw 14772 (January 14, 2008)

To accommodate the development of residential uses in a variety of low to high density housing forms and to provide the opportunity for a mix of institutional facilities including extended care treatment, medical treatment and related commercial and personal service uses, in a location with a prominent entry to the Ambleside Neighbourhood and situated adjacent to a transit centre.

This DC1 Provision shall apply to a portion of NW-27-51-25-4; containing approximately 4.9 hectares, located immediately east of 170 Street and south of Windermere Boulevard, as shown on Schedule ”A” of the Bylaw adopting this DC1 Provision; Ambleside.

The Site is designated for mixed-use within the Ambleside Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP).  Mixed-use development within the Ambleside NSP provides the opportunity to pursue innovative facilities and services that support the Windermere Area Structure Plan vision of a healthy, vibrant and sustainable community, supporting all age groups and income groups over time.  Accordingly, this DC1 Provision allows development of extended care treatment facilities such as: healthcare centre, assisted living facility, hospice facility, and child / adult day care facility.

a. Apartment Housing
b. Boarding and Lodging Houses
c. Duplex Housing
d. Extended Medical Treatment Services
e. Group Homes
f. Limited Group Homes
g. Minor Home Based Business
h. Personal Service Shops, Convenience Retail Stores, Professional, Financial and Office Support Services, Health Services, Specialty Food Services and Restaurants, when designed as an integral and secondary component of an Extended Medical Treatment Services facility
i. Religious Assembly
j. Residential Sales Centre
k. Row Housing
l. Semi-detached Housing
m. Stacked Row Housing
n. Fascia On-premises Signs
o. Freestanding On-premises Signs
p. Projecting On-premises Signs
q. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. Development shall be in accordance with the attached appendices:
  i. Appendix 1, Site Areas and Transition Zones;
  ii. Appendix 2, Vehicular and Pedestrian Site Access;
  iii. Appendix 3, Site Amenities, Fencing and Central Commons; and
  iv. Appendix 4, Site Design Concept.
b. Appendix I illustrates the Site and delineates Areas ”A”, ”B”, "C” and ”D” and Transition Zones ”1”, ”2” and ”3” which have specific development regulations that apply to each Area.
  i. Area A shall be developed with the lowest intensity for the Site and shall include one or a combination of Semi-detached / Duplex Housing, Row Housing, Stacked Row Housing and Apartment Housing;
  ii. Area B shall be developed at a moderate intensity and shall include one or a combination of Semi-detached / Duplex Housing, Row Housing, Stacked Row Housing and Apartment Housing;
  iii. Area C shall be developed with the greatest intensity and shall include one or a combination of Row Housing, Stacked Row Housing and Apartment Housing;
  iv. Area D shall be developed with higher intensity and shall include one or a combination of Row Housing, Stacked Row Housing and Apartment Housing;
  v. Transition Zones shown on Appendix A shall be flexible to allow for comprehensive site design and ensure that Areas A, B, C and D transition from 2.5 stories at the south portion of Transition Zone 1 to a maximum of 10 stories in the central portion of the Site at Transition Zone 2 and to a maximum of 8 stories at the north portion of the Site at Transition Zone 3; and
  vi. Transition Zones shall be developed to be compatible with adjacent Uses in terms of building separation, Density, Height and FAR.
c. The Development Regulations of Section 150 (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply for the development of Semi-detached and Duplex Housing, unless otherwise modified or regulated by this DC1 Provision.
d. The Development Regulations of Section 160 (RF5) Row Housing Zone of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply for the development of Row Housing, unless otherwise modified or regulated by this DC1 Provision.
e. The Development Regulations of Section 170 (RF6) Row Housing Zone of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply for the development of Stacked Row Housing, unless otherwise modified or regulated by this DC1 Provision.
f. The Development Regulations of Section 210 (RA7) Low Rise Housing Zone of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply for the development of Apartment Housing 4 stories or less, unless otherwise modified or regulated by this DC1 Provision.
g. The Development Regulations of Section 220 (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply for the development of Apartment Housing 5 and 6 stories, unless otherwise modified or regulated by this DC1 Provision.
h. The Development Regulations of Section 230 (RA9) High Rise Apartment Zone of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply for the development of Apartment Housing greater than 6 stories, unless otherwise modified or regulated by this DC1 Provision.
i. Family Oriented Dwellings shall not be required for the development of Row Housing or Stacked Row Housing.
j. General Development Regulations and Special Land Use Provisions of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply, unless otherwise modified or regulated by this DC1 Provision.
k. Development Applications for this Site shall be permitted in phases.  For context and Development Officer interpretation purposes, a generalized, non-binding, Site plan shall be submitted at Development Permit stage for all new building development or for substantial redevelopment to illustrate how the proposed development will integrate with existing and future surrounding and on-site development.  The Site plan will show the location of existing and future buildings, parking areas, vehicular and pedestrian routes, and Amenity Areas.
l. The maximum overall Density shall be 125 Dwellings per hectare.
m. For the purposes of calculating Density, one unit of Assisted Living, Designated Assisted Living and/or Enhanced Designated Assisted Living as defined in Section 8 shall be equal to 0.25 of a Dwelling (For example, 4 Assisted Living units count as one Dwelling).
n. The maximum FAR for the Site overall shall be 3.0.
o. The maximum Height shall be in accordance with the table below:
Table 1: Maximum Height – Areas
  Area A Area B Area C Area D
Maximum Height 2.5 stories nor 10 m 4 stories nor 15 m 10 stories nor  35 m 8 stories nor 28 m

 * Floor Area may be developed in attic areas as additional space to a Dwelling, and not counted as a Storey, provided the additional Floor Area creates architectural interest to the design of the building and the development is within the maximum allowable Height.

p. The minimum Lot dimensions and Yards for Semi-detached and Duplex Housing, Row Housing and Stacked Row Housing shall be in accordance with the table below.  In the case of Row Housing and/or Stacked Row Housing, the table below shall only apply to stand-alone developments (i.e. shall not be applied to developments with Row Housing and/or Stacked Row Housing integrated within the same floor-plate or building as Apartment Housing).
Table 2: Lot Dimensions and Yards  
Use Mimimum Lot Width Minimum Lot Depth Minimum Yards
      Front Rear Side
Semi-detached and Duplex Housing 7.5 m 30 m 5.5 m 7.5 m 1.2 m
Row Housing 6 m for each Row Housing internal or end dwelling 30 m 6 m 7.5 m 2 m
Stacked Row Housing 20 m for each Stacked Row Housing development 30 m 6 m 7.5 m 2 m

 * Minimum Side Yards of 1.0 m for each Storey or partial Storey shall be provided, except that a total of at least 2.0 m shall be provided.

q. There shall be no minimum Site Width or minimum Site Area for the development of Apartment Housing and/or Extended Medical Treatment Facilities.
r. Site Coverage for Semi-detached and Duplex Housing, Row Housing and Stacked Row Housing shall be established on the following basis:
  i. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 40%, with a maximum of 28% for a principal building and a maximum of 12% for Accessory Buildings.  Where parking is provided underground or Garages are attached or designed as an integral part of Dwellings, the maximum for the principal building shall be 40%;
  ii. If the Site Width is less than 9.2 m, the maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 43%, with a maximum of 28% for a principal building and a maximum of 17% for Accessory Buildings.  Where parking is provided underground or Garages are attached or designed as an integral part of Dwellings, the maximum for the principal building shall be 40%; and
  iii. Calculation of Site Coverage shall exclude unenclosed decks, covered entries and/or overhangs, verandas and/or porches.
s. Separation Space shall be provided for all Site Areas and Transitions Zones in accordance with Section 48 of Zoning Bylaw 12800, with the exception that building Separation Space for Transition Zone 2 shall be in accordance with the table below:
Table 3: Building Separation Space – Transition Zone 2
Height of Building  
Area B Area C Separation Space
4 stories or less 6-10 stories 10 metres
4 stories or less 6 stories or less 7.5 metres
t. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided, which includes the area of unenclosed decks.
u. The total Floor Area of Professional, Financial and Office Support Services and Restaurant uses for the overall Site shall not exceed 7500 m2.
v. The total Floor Area of Personal Service Shops, Convenience Retail Stores and Specialty Food Services uses for the overall Site shall not exceed 1000 m2.
w. The Floor Area for each of any Personal Service Shops, Convenience Retail Stores and Specialty Food Services shall not exceed 275 m2 in one operation.
x. A 7.5 m landscaped Yard shall be provided along Windermere Boulevard, 170 Street, Ambleside Link, and the eastern boundary of the Site.  Unless otherwise specified in Table 2 - Lot Dimensions and Yards, no other Yards shall be required.
y. Loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located in such a manner to be screened from view from adjacent sites, public roadways and the transit centre in accordance with the provisions of Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw.
z. Materials used to screen loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be compatible with this development in materials, colour and finish.
aa. Signs shall comply with the regulations described in Schedule 59B.  Portable Signs shall not be permitted.
bb. Vehicular parking shall be developed in general accordance with the table below:
Table 4: Vehicular Parking Rates

Vehicle Parking Spaces Required as per Zoning Bylaw requirements

Assisted Living (AL) 1 parking stall / 4 units of AL
Designated Assisted Living (DAL) 1 parking stall / 12 units of DAL
Enhanced Designated Assisted Living (EDAL) 1 parking stall / 32 units of EDAL
Visitors 1 parking stall / 32 units (any level of assisted living)

1 parking stall / 32 units (any level of assisted living)

 * Units of AL, DAL and EDAL are equal to 0.25 of a Dwelling (refer to Development Regulation m). For the purposes of applying Vehicle Parking Rates (above), AL is defined as 1 parking stall per 1 Dwelling, DAL is defined as 1 parking stall per 3 Dwellings and EDAL is defined as 1 parking stall per 8 Dwellings.

cc. The number of bicycle parking spaces shall be 5% of the number of vehicular parking spaces required under Table 4 - Vehicular Parking Rates.  Parking spaces for bicycles should be distributed throughout the Site to accommodate all residents, staff and visitors to the discretion of the Development Officer and the Transportation Department.
dd. Where the development of Semi-detached Housing, Duplex Housing, Row Housing and Stacked Row Housing includes one or more Garage(s) per Dwelling, no additional outdoor or indoor bicycle parking shall be required.
ee. Upon development of 50% of the Site (land area) the Transportation Department will require a review of the current developments with respect to the parking rates in Table 4 - Vehicular Parking Rates.  If there are concerns, a Parking Impact Assessment may be requested for review and approval by the Transportation Department prior to further Development Permit approvals.
ff. Should the Site not be developed to accommodate Assisted Living, Designated Assisted Living, and / or Enhanced Designated Assisted Living units, the parking requirements of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply.

Site Planning and Design

a. The Development Officer may grant minor variances or relaxations to regulations within this DC1 Provision, where Capital Health or any government organization with authority over the development of senior’s facilities requires specific development regulations or design criteria.  Any variances or relaxations granted under this clause shall require consultation between the applicant and the Planning and Development Department, and be consistent with the general intent of this DC1 Provision. 
b. An architectural theme shall be established for the entire site to ensure consistency of design elements such as building design, layout, finishing materials and colours, signage and landscape treatments.
c. In the case of a phased development, proposed buildings shall be consistent with existing buildings in terms of siting, street walls and setbacks.
d. Amenity Area shall be a combination of indoor and outdoor space.
e. Within the development of Extended Medical Treatment Services, allowable Amenity Area includes dining areas, theatres, chapels, libraries, fitness rooms and other social rooms.
f. Amenity Area shall be grouped to create at least one outdoor central ”Commons” to serve as a gathering place for residents.  Amenity Area may be developed as passive and/or active recreation spaces such as playing fields, parks, courtyards and plazas. 
g. The outdoor central amenity area or ”Commons” shall be located within the area shown in Appendix 3 - Site Amenities, Fencing, and Central Commons.

Access, Circulation and Parking

a. The primary vehicular entrance to the Site shall be from Ambleside Link.  It should initially be constructed as a two lane roadway including in / out (as a minimum) with the option to widen to four lanes, 2 in, 2 out and the creation of a drive aisle to access all four areas of the Site, to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department.
b. An emergency access from the Site to Windermere Boulevard or alternate location shall be determined to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department. 
c. All vehicle and bicycle parking shall be provided and located to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and the Transportation Department. 
d. A Site entrance feature shall be provided at Ambleside Link and be located entirely within private property.  The type of recommended feature includes public art, on-site amenity or architectural feature consistent in design with the overall project.
e. Building entrances to low, mid and high rise buildings shall incorporate appropriate lighting and security measures to ensure safe access. 
f. Parking for the Site shall be one of, or a combination of underground parking, structured (above ground) parking and/or surface parking.
g. Structured parking shall be integrated with the design of the building(s).
h. Structured parking shall complement the architectural features of the buildings(s).  For example, use of similar roof lines, materials, colours and roof pitch.
i. Surface parking shall be integrated with the internal circulation network.
j. Surface parking lots shall be enhanced with urban design elements such as landscaping and lighting. 
k. Access to underground parking facilities and ramps shall be determined at the development permit stage to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department.
l. Parking and loading facilities shall setback a minimum 3.0 metres from any public or pedestrian corridor and the Setback shall be landscaped and screened.

Building Design and Architectural Control

a. High quality finishing materials shall be used in the development.  Recommended materials include a combination of brick, glass and/or glazed window wall systems, architectural concrete and/or pre-cast coloured concrete, siding, stucco, stone or other masonry materials.
b. Any built form at the intersection of Windermere Boulevard and 170 Street as well as intersection of 170 Street and Ambleside Link shall use special architectural treatment for building corners.  Recommended architectural treatments include elements such as architectural features, enhanced materials, additional glazing, special lighting and/or roof articulation.
c. Building facades, on all sides visible from roadways and outdoor amenity spaces, shall include design elements, finishing materials and articulation that will reduce perceived mass and linearity.  Recommended elements include trim, stepbacks of the upper floor(s), shadow bands, projections for relief in wall plane, roof treatments, window placement, balconies and choice of exterior materials and colours.
d. Any single wall length greater than 25.0 m visible from a public road shall use articulation in the structure wall to minimize the perceived mass of the building.
e. Entrances for buildings 4 stories or greater shall be readily identifiable by using design elements such as distinctive materials and colours, human-scale architecture, recessing, articulation, projections and columns.
f. The entrance of a multi-unit structure, not developed with Assisted Living, Designated Assisted Living and/or Enhanced Designated Assisted Living, that abuts a major internal circulation route shall have direct access to the adjacent sidewalk and include articulation at ground level to create human scale.
g. Buildings shall provide active streetscapes through one or a combination of landscaping, direct access to the sidewalk, and/or doorways, windows and porches (decks or verandas) at ground level. 
h. Direct access to the sidewalk shall not be required for any Assisted Living, Designated Assisted Living or Enhanced Designated Assisted Living units situated at ground level.
i. The roof line of buildings shall consist of either sloped roofs of varying pitches and may include gable-ends, dormers or steeples, and be finished in any roofing material selected from metal, wood shakes, architectural asphalt shingles or clay tiles; or flat roofs where such roofs are concealed by parapet walls that include articulation and use of design elements that are in harmony with the principal architectural theme of the project.
j. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening with design elements that are compatible or complement the architectural character and materials of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building framework.
k. Functional and decorative lighting shall be provided within the development to enhance the appearance of the site and buildings.


a. A Landscaping plan for the portion of the site being developed shall be submitted in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw prior to the approval of any development permit.  This plan shall include pedestrian connection and fencing details, exterior lighting and street furniture elements, pedestrian seating areas, varied sizes and species of new plantings for the entire Site, and including special treatment to clearly delineate between the public and private realm and access to public open spaces or pedestrian linkages.
b. Open spaces shall include landscape architecture that consists of amenities such as trees, street furniture, public art and water features.
c. The major vehicular circulation route through the Site shall be developed as a tree-lined boulevard.
d. Landscaping of the Site shall include plant materials that provide colour and texture throughout the year to enhance the appearance during winter months.
e. Landscaping shall be used to highlight major circulation patterns, pedestrian pathways and the overall development.
f. Landscaping of the amenity area shall complement the landscape design of the overall Site and include a combination of plant material that provides visual interest.
g. Site landscaping shall be used to soften the building form, and mitigate impacts between buildings.  Recommended landscaping treatments include tree and shrub planting, water features, railings, curbs, low walls, fences, berms, walkways, amenity areas and public art.
h. A 1.8 m berm and a 1.8 m double board no gap solid uniform screen fence (density of 20 kg/m3), or acceptable combination thereof, shall be constructed within residential property lines for all lots backing onto 170 Street (total height of 3.6m required) to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department.
i. A 1.8 m uniform screen fence shall be constructed within residential property lines for all lots backing or flanking onto Ambleside Link SW (7 Avenue SW) and Windermere Boulevard.  A 1.8 m uniform fence shall be constructed within residential property lines for all lots fronting Windermere Boulevard.  A 1.2 m continuous fence shall be constructed within residential property lines for all lots fronting onto Ambleside Link SW (7 Avenue SW).
j. All fencing located on property lines shall be consistent in design, materials, finishes and colours with the fencing styles established for the Ambleside neighbourhood.
k. All landscaped Yards shall contain minimum plantings as outlined in the following:
  i. one tree for each 17.5 m2 and one shrub for each 10.0 m2 of any required Yard or Setback at Grade; and
  ii. tree for each 17.5 m2 and one shrub for each 7.5 m2 of required parking area islands.  In no case shall there be less than one tree per required parking area island.
l. All planting shall conform to the following:
  i. the proportion of deciduous to coniferous trees and shrubs shall be approximately 50:50;
  ii. 100% of required deciduous trees shall be a minimum of 75 mm calliper; and
  iii. 75% of required coniferous trees shall be a minimum of 2.5 m in height and 25% shall be a minimum 3.5 m in height.


a. Signs shall be designed to complement the architectural features of the building(s), identify specific addresses and act as wayfinding throughout the Site. 
b. Movement and brightness of signage shall be designed to minimize light pollution and visual intrusion on surrounding residential properties.
c. Individual identification signs located on the façades of buildings shall be similar in proportion, construction materials and placement.  The design, scale and placement of signs shall be such that the signage does not detract from the overall appearance of the development and that the signage is not obtrusive, having regard to the scale of the buildings on the Site and to the distance of the building Setback.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Accessibility
a. The owner shall submit a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Assessment that shall be reviewed and accepted by the Development Officer prior to issuance of Development Permit to ensure that development on the Site provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City.
b. All buildings and public facilities shall be designed to be accessible to persons in wheelchairs, motorized scooters and strollers.

Pedestrian Environment

a. Internal pedestrian corridors shall connect the Site to amenity area(s) and adjacent land uses, (including the transit centre, the commercial site, Ambleside Link and the Windermere Boulevard multi-use trails).
b. The pedestrian environment shall be accessible, comfortable and visually attractive through the use of a combination of Landscaping elements, street furniture, lighting, directional signage, surface materials and connectivity.
c. Benches shall be provided along pedestrian routes within the Site to provide relief and rest areas.
d. Sidewalk furniture and urban design elements shall be located out of the travel path to ensure they are not obstacles.
e. Main building entrances shall be designed for universal accessibility. Level changes from the sidewalk to entrances of buildings shall be minimized.
a. Additional Site accesses may be required based on the proposed Density and the number of units.  Access locations will be reviewed at time of Development Permit application.  There shall be no direct access from 170 Street.  A right-in-only to Windermere Boulevard (9 Avenue NW) may be considered, to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department.
b. A common bicycle parking area may be established for the use of all residents of the site in Areas C and D. 
c. Buildings shall be aligned along pedestrian circulation corridors and roadways to create unobstructed views where possible between destinations such as building entrances, transit stops and public amenities.
d. Internal vehicular circulation should minimize the conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular circulation.
e. The preferred location for ground-floor commercial uses is along Windermere Boulevard.
f. Development of rooftop and/or community gardens is highly encouraged.
g. Signs may form an integral part of the architectural design of building(s).
a. Dwelling: As per Zoning Bylaw 12800 which states ”one or more self-contained rooms provided with sleeping and cooking facilities, intended for domestic use, and used or intended to be used permanently or semi-permanently as a residence for a Household and either up to two lodgers, roomers or boarders”.
b. Assisted Living (AL): Accommodation with moderate care provisions for residents in a congregate setting. Assisted Living residents do not require continuous access to professional services or on-site professional services.  Room and board services, light housekeeping services, 24-hour availability of assistance and oversight with personal care and social and recreational support may be provided.  Assisted Living suites may contain up to two bedrooms, living area space and cooking facilities.
c. Designated Assisted Living (DAL): Accommodation with flexible 24-hour on-site personal care and oversight, with scheduled access to professional services.  Residents receive room and board services, light housekeeping services, 24-hour availability of assistance and oversight with personal care and social and recreational support.  Professional services include 24-hour Licensed Practical Nurse oversight, Registered Nurse on-call and intermittent scheduled services provided.  Settings are therapeutically designed to offer comfort and safety to clients who are fearful, who may be at risk for wandering and who need more structure and stimulation.  Clients may receive up to 2 hours of direct care per day.  Suites are contained within a larger seniors' residence and may contain up to two bedrooms, living area space and cooking facilities.
d. Enhanced Designated Assisted Living (EDAL): Accommodation with flexible 24-hour on-site personal care and oversight with access to professional services.  Residents receive room and board services, light housekeeping services, 24-hour availability of assistance and oversight with personal care and social and recreational support. Professional services include 24-hour Licensed Practical Nurse oversight, Registered Nurse on-call and intermittent scheduled services.  Settings are therapeutically designed to offer comfort and safety to clients who are fearful, who may be at risk for wandering and who need more structure and stimulation.  Clients may receive up to 3 hours of direct care per day.  Suites are contained within a larger seniors' residence and may contain up to two bedrooms and living area space.

Bylaw attachments