Tweddle Place - 76 Street and 79 Street, and north of Millbourne Road West
Bylaw 18084 (July 10, 2017)
Bylaw 21088 (March 17, 2025)
To allow for multi-unit Residential development that may be arranged in a variety of configurations. Limited opportunities for community and commercial development are permitted to provide services to local residents.
This Provision shall apply to Lot 126, Block 30, Plan 3100 TR, located Northwest of the 76 Street NW and Millbourne Road West NW intersection, as shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this DC Provision, Tweddle Place.
Residential Uses | |
3.1. | Home Based Business |
3.2. | Residential |
Commercial Uses | |
3.3. | Food and Drink Service |
3.4. | Health Service |
3.5. | Indoor Sales and Service |
3.6. | Minor Indoor Entertainment |
3.7. | Office |
3.8. | Residential Sales Centre |
Community Uses | |
3.9. | Child Care Service |
3.1. | Community Service |
3.11. | Library |
3.12. | Park |
3.13. | Special Event |
Agricultural Uses | |
3.14. | Urban Agriculture |
Sign Uses | |
3.15. | Fascia Sign |
3.16. | Freestanding Sign |
3.17. | Portable Sign |
3.18. | Projecting Sign |
Residential Uses | ||
4.1. | Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing or Duplex Housing are only permitted where developed on the same Site as Multi-unit Housing. | |
Commercial Uses | ||
4.2. | The maximum total Floor Area for Commercial Uses shall not exceed 1000 m2. | |
4.3. | Food and Drink Services, Health Services, Indoor Sales and Services, Minor Indoor Entertainment and Offices must comply with the following: | |
4.3.1. | These Uses must only be located on the Ground Floor of a building containing Residential Uses. | |
4.3.2. | The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment. | |
4.4. | Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. | |
Agricultural Uses | ||
4.5. | Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building. | |
Sign Uses | ||
4.6. | Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising. | |
4.7. | Signs must comply with Subsections 3 and 4 of Section 6.90 of the Zoning Bylaw. |
5.1. | The Development must be in general accordance with Appendix 1, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner. Appendix 1 is conceptual in nature. | |
5.2. | The maximum building Height is 23.0 m. | |
5.3. | The maximum Floor Area Ratio is 3.5. | |
5.4. | The maximum number of Dwellings is 320. | |
5.5. | The minimum building Setbacks are: | |
5.5.1. | 13.5 m from the east Lot line; | |
5.5.2. | 5.5 m from the west Lot line; | |
5.5.3. | 10.0 m from the north Lot line; and | |
5.5.4. | 5.0 m from the south Lot line. | |
5.6. | Despite 5.5, below Grade Parkades are not subject to required setbacks and may extend to all Lot lines. |
Building Design Regulations | |||
6.1. | Where a building wall: | ||
6.1.1. | faces a Street; or | ||
6.1.2. | faces a Site in a Residential or Mixed Use Zone, | ||
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; features such as windows, balconies, or porches; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features. | |||
6.2. | To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-Residential Facades must comply with the following: | ||
6.2.1. | Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows. | ||
6.2.2. | A maximum of 10% of the Facade area windows: | || | facing a Street; | || | facing a Park; or | || | that are located along Facades with a main entrance facing Parking Areas interior to the Site, | ||
may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction. | |||
6.3. | The principal building Facades facing a Street must use consistent exterior finishing materials and architectural features, and include features such as windows, doors, or porches. | ||
Entrance Design Regulations | |||
6.4. | Principal buildings must have an entrance facing a Street. | ||
6.5. | Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances. | ||
6.6. | Where the building Facade faces Millbourne Road NW each Ground Floor Dwelling along that Facade must have an individual entrance with direct ground level access to the existing or approved sidewalk. | ||
6.7. | Sliding patio doors must not serve as the individual entrance for any Ground Floor Dwelling. |
Parking, Loading, and Access | |
7.1. | Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste must provide a minimum 3.0 m wide Landscape Buffer where adjacent to a Street |
7.2. | Waste collection areas or outdoor storage areas shall not be developed within 3.0 m of the property line. Outdoor waste collection shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the department responsible for waste management services and transportation. |
8.1. | If Commercial Uses are located in Building 2, as shown on Appendix 1, a pedestrian walkway with a minimum width of 1.8 m shall be provided adjacent to the east Façade of Building 2. | |
8.2. | In addition to the minimum Amenity Area requirement in Section 5.20 of the Zoning Bylaw, an outdoor Common Amenity Areas must be provided. The outdoor Common Amenity Areas must: | |
8.2.1. | have a minimum total area of 385.0 m2; | |
8.2.2. | be clearly visible from above-ground windows, where provided at ground level; | |
8.2.3. | have access to sunlight; | |
8.2.4. | include seating and lighting; and | |
8.2.5. | include an outdoor play space with permanent equipment. |
9.1. | As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of a principal building, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-Site improvements necessary to serve or enhance the development. Such improvements must be constructed at the owner’s cost. The Agreement process must include an engineering drawing review and approval. Improvements to address in the Agreement include, but are not limited to: | |
9.1.1. | Reconstruction of the existing access on 76 Street allowing access to the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for Transportation. | |
9.1.2. | Construction of a new access from 79 Street allowing access to the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for Transportation. | |
9.1.3. | Reconstruction for the existing westbound bus stop along Millbourne Road to a 4 m x 9 m bus stop amenity pad, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City departments responsible for Transportation and Edmonton Transit Services. | |
9.1.4. | Replacement of the yield sign along southbound 79 Street at Millbourne Road with a stop sign. | |
9.1.5. | Removal of the existing access to Millbourne Road and restoration of the sidewalk and boulevard in place of the existing access, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation. | |
9.2. | As a condition of development permit issuance, the development shall enter into an agreement to contribute funds in the amount of $75,000 to the North Millbourne Community League for an off-site amenity for enhancements to Michael’s Park with specific details to be determined between the Owner and City Administration in consultation with the North Millbourne Community League. The funds shall be submitted to the City of Edmonton within 120 days of Building Permit Issuance. Despite this Provision, if at the time of the agreement execution of enhancements to Michael’s Park have already been completed or are funded, the funds shall be used for an alternative off site public amenity with specific details to be determined between the Owner and City Administration in consultation with the North Millbourne Community. |