DC 20853

Bonnie Doon - west side of 92 Street NW, north of 88 Avenue NW

Bylaw 20853 (July 2, 2024)

1.1 To accommodate a small-scale, community-oriented neighbourhood commercial building.
2.1 This Zone applies to Lot 7, Block 2, Plan 1266AH, located on the west side of 92
Street NW, north of 88 Avenue NW, as shown in Schedule “A” of the Bylaw
adopting this Zone, Bonnie Doon.


Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Business
3.2. Residential, limited to:
3.2.1. Multi-unit Housing
3.2.2. Supportive Housing
Commercial Uses
3.3 Custom Manufacturing
3.4. Food and Drink Service
3.5. Health Service
3.6. Hotel
3.7. Indoor Sales and Service
3.8. Office
Community Uses
3.9. Child Care Services
3.10. Community Service
3.11. Park
3.12. Special Event
Agricultural Uses
3.13. Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
3.14 Fascia Sign
3.15 Freestanding Sign
3.16 Portable Sign
3.17 Projecting Sign
4.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60 of the Zoning Bylaw.
4.2. Where provided, Residential Uses must be located above Ground Floor non-Residential Uses.
4.3. Custom Manufacturing activities and storage must be located within an enclosed building.
4.4. Ground Floor guest rooms of Hotels must not be adjacent to 92 Street NW.
4.5. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40 of the Zoning Bylaw.
4.6. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100 of the Zoning Bylaw.
4.7. All Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising.
4.8. Signs must comply with Section 6.90 of the Zoning Bylaw, including Subsection 5 of Section 6.90.
5.1. The development must be in general conformance with the attached appendix.
5.2. The maximum Height is 9.5 m.
5.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is 1.0
5.4. The minimum Front Setback is 4.5 m
5.5. The minimum Rear Setback is 5.5 m.
5.6. The minimum Interior Side Setback is 1.2 m.
6.1. The north and south Facades must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projections or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features.
6.2. The main entrance facing 92 Street NW must be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to the public sidewalk.
6.3. The main entrance facing 92 Street NW must incorporate a weather protection feature in the form of a canopy, awning, overhang, vestibule, recessed entrance, or other Architectural Elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.
6.4. Non-Residential Uses located on the Ground Floor adjacent to 92 Street NW must have the main entrance directed towards 92 Street NW.
  6.4.1 To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, the east Facade must have a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground be windows.
6.5. Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile for building corners, except that Facades facing an Alley do not require windows.
6.6. A minimum 1.8 m high wood screen fence must be provided for the full length of the north and south property lines, except within the Setback from 92 Street NW, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner. Despite this,
  6.6.1 if required for safe visibility to the Alley from the rear Parking Area, the Development Officer may not require the fence to be within 3.0 m of the Alley; and
  6.6.2 fencing can still be provided within the Setback from 92 Street NW if it is for the purpose of screening/buffering exterior space associated with any Non-Residential Use.
6.7. To provide additional screening/buffering as part of the Landscaping requirements, new trees must be provided within the north and south Interior Side Setbacks (though not necessarily within the Interior Side Yards) and the chosen species must be suitable for the amount of space available.
7.1. Development of exterior space associated with any Non-Residential Use must be compatible with other Uses located on or Abutting the Site, having regard for:
7.1.1. the siting of the exterior space;
7.1.2. the location, size and height of associated temporary structures, including Signs;
7.1.3. the location and use of outdoor speakers and amplification systems; and
7.1.4. screening and buffering.
7.2. In addition to the requirements of Section 5.110 of the Zoning Bylaw, developments must include design elements that promote a safe urban environment for portions of development accessible to the public, including the following:
7.2.1. Primary public access to the building must be from entrances on either the east or west Facades.
7.2.2. A maximum of 10% of Ground Floor windows on the east and west Facades may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, untinted and free from obstruction.
7.2.3. Landscaping must be arranged to ensure clear sightlines into Ground Floor storefronts that are visible from 92 Street NW.
8.1 Vehicle access must be from the Abutting Alley.
8.2 All waste collection, storage, or loading areas must be located adjacent to the Alley, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for waste collection and transportation services. Gates and/or doors of the waste enclosure must not open or encroach into the road right-of-way.
9.1 As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of a principal building, construction of a storm drainage system required to service the development is required; either Low Impact Development (LID) or permanent storm servicing and onsite stormwater management. Permanent storm servicing will require that the owner enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. The Agreement must include an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements must be constructed at the owner’s cost and must be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation services, city operations, infrastructure services and drainage services, and others as required.

Bylaw attachments